“Working Women”- The new perspective

“Working Women”- The new perspective

Since a very long time, women, in India are considered to be goddesses in avatar, a goddess who is built on certain standards of the traditional Indian society. These standards are considered essential to the foundation of the hierarchical composition of our ancestral society. Therefore all the mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, grandmothers across the country have been fulfilling these expectations from times immeasurable. The society didn’t even let the women decide what is good for them and if they dared to oppose, it resulted in major issues for the downtrodden. The issues essentially included discrimination, sexual violence, physical violence and mental violence. International Clinical Epidemiologists Network in 2000 observed that more educated and better employed women faced more physical violence. Thankfully, times have changed! Women have become aware of their rights, and the policies formulated to uplift them by the Indian government have played a vital part in realising what is humanly right and wrong. It has also been said that these policies have helped women to rise up equally as men.

Now, when women have societal support they dare to dream. They have now stepped out of their houses freely and have started working. Most of them are allowed to work because it is better home economics and very few believe in doing it for pleasure. The working world has opened their paths for women but the goal of attaining an egalitarian society still seems unfulfilled. National Family Health Survey, India in 2015-2016 concluded that men were three times as likely to be employed as women; 24% of women age 15-49 were currently employed, compared with 75% of men age 15-49. The current scenario has definitely changed but it is very difficult to estimate the exact time when women will be treated equally.

In conversation with a 34 year old woman it was found the situation of working women has definitely improved, adding to her statement she quoted that “women can change the world with their different kinds of talent, women have now set new standards for the society and has broken the traditional ways of living”. She also believes that most men of the society feel endangered and have set limits for women to compete. Another woman of age 55, a homemaker, believes that the working environment has helped the women to step out of umbrellas that have been protecting them for long. She said that women have become more confident, responsible and free. She herself would have considered teaching children at school if she had family support. She thinks that the women of the country would rise if proper family and societal support is provided to them. On the other hand men of the new age feel really happy that women have entered the working world, it has lessen their burden of being the sole bread earner of the family. A 24 year old man says that he would always encourage women to work; he added that no woman should rely on the permissions from the society. He believes that women are the saviour of their own rights and they should never settle for less.

It is very well been noticed that the roles and responsibilities of women have drastically changed overtime. Along with entering the working era; women of today have also not left behind their family lives. They responsibly play all the roles that are expected of them. It is not wrong to say that women have entered into all the possible fields that have helped them to move forward in the world. The governmental policies, social programmes and self -help groups have ensured that women are not left behind. The women themselves do not want to be left behind now. The so called patriarchal society has started accepting the fact that if given a chance then no women is less than any men and there remains no doubt to that.

The change still needs to go a long way. The newer generation is supportive but still needs to make amends in the perspective of the older generation. They still need to accept the women of today without their “Ghoonghat”, competing with their sons and making their own name. Women are being able to come to the fore with their own name and not with the label of wife or daughter of someone. Women today feel empowered, at power and in charge of the life, which is their own. The policies formulated by the government have given women a sense of protection and appreciation of the hard work put in to come out, thereby helping to overcome the factors of fear, domestic violence and dowry.

Sense of acceptance by the society have instilled a sense of belongingness, hopefulness and respect. Women feel more psychologically strong and stable. They feel like a part of the world they live in not just a mere guest or a passer-by. The emerging culture of working women gives them a sense of responsibility and independence, the feeling of worth reduces the sense of hopelessness and helplessness thereby reducing the chances of being diagnosed with depression and suicidal ideations. With the opportunity to channelize the energy into something positive, the frequency of negative thoughts and feelings are reduced thereby maintaining sanity.

WOMEN- The future and the reason for tomorrow! Let us take them a step forward and let them shine bright like diamonds that they are !!!!

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