What Is DMI Test How Does It Measure Brain Capacity

What Is DMI Test How Does It Measure Brain Capacity

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test: DMI Test is a scientific method that decodes the details of innate brain potentials of children by analysing fingerprints.


Dermatoglyphics is a scientific study of fingerprints that is derived from ancient Greek dermato-skin and glyphic-carving. Over the past few decades, there were thousands of researches done to understand the relationship between fingerprints and brain lobes and many agreed that there is a significant connection between brain lobes and fingerprints. Therefore dermatoglyphics is considered to be an effective measure to study the intelligence, personality traits, and talents of the human being.

Dr. Harold Cummins coined the name dermatoglyphics and is considered the father of dermatoglyphics who made his contribution over 5 decades till 1979. Specifically, dermatoglyphics research was used predominantly to investigate chromosomal defects, neuroscience, and gene study.

Scientific Nature of Dermatoglyphics

There is significant proof that the developmental process of fingerprints has a distinct relationship with the development of the brain. Some neurological studies have revealed that the embryonic nerves are involved in the process of the formation of fingerprints. The fingerprint of the fetus develops generally between 10-15 weeks in a mother’s uterus. Hence, it is believed that a human’s career (strength and weakness) can be assessed by analyzing fingerprints.

No Brain – No Fingerprint

It is clear that the development of fingerprint and brain occurs simultaneously in the mother’s womb and shows co-relation between them. If this statement is true, children who have improper brain development should have an unclear fingerprint. Yes, this statement was proved by some studies. The people with the congenital condition of Down syndrome (100% mentally retarded) were found to be underdeveloped fingerprints.

Application of D.M.I.T

By using fingerprints, D.M.I.T analysis of the following

  • Personality – DISC/DOPE test,
  • Brain dominance – Left or right Dominance,
  • multiple quotient (EQ, IQ,CQ,AQ)
  • Inborn multiple intelligence
  • Learning style
DISC Personality

This concept of DISC Personality was developed by Dr. William Moulton Marston, a psychologist who divided human personality into four types such as D – dominant, I- Influential, S- Steady, and C-Compliant.

Dominant (Eagle); these people are dominant, task-oriented, decisive, stubborn, and blunt.

Influential (peacock); they are talkative, attention seekers, passionate and optimistic, and not good with detail and time management

Steady (Dove); they will be a people-oriented, loyal, hardworking and friendly.

Compliant (Owl);  they are compliant, logical, methodical, mathematical, and perfectionists.

Brain Dominance

Dr. Roger Sperry won the nobel prize for the concept of brain dominance in 1981. According to this concept, both the left and right brains have a specific role in brain functioning.






Strong in Language

Strong control of emotion

Rational thinker


Proper time management


Artistic mind

Good interpersonal relationship

Divergent thinker


More initiative

Good gross motor skills


Multiple Quotients

It analysis the following

  • Intelligence Quotient: It is a method of measurement that analyzes reasoning and problem-solving.
  • Emotional Quotient: It is a measure of the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions.
  • Creative Quotient: it measures the level of creative thinking
  • Adversity Quotient: it is used to analyze the ability to handle stressful situations.

Learning Styles

People may also differ in using various cognitive styles in understanding (or) learning new concepts. There are four types of cognitive styles. They are,

  • Cognitive learner
  • Affective learner
  • Critical learner
  • Reflective learner

Multiple Intelligence

A famous psychologist and educationist stated that children who scored fewer marks don’t mean that they will be “0” in everything. Instead, she might be proficient in some other activity. Based on this, he constructed the concept. This concept describes 8 types of intelligence. They are,

  • Interpersonal Intelligence
  • Visual intelligence
  • Kinesthetic intelligence
  • Musical intelligence
  • Intrapersonal intelligence
  • Naturalistic intelligence
  • Logical and mathematical intelligence
  • Language Intelligence

There Are Four Steps That Re Involved In D.M.I.Test.

Step 1– Capturing of fingerprint

Step 2– involves fingerprint verification using software

Step 3– fingerprint analysis and conclusion

Step 4 – Report analysis by Dermatoglyphics specialist.


Hence, Dermatoglyphics Multi Intelligence Test provides a very detailed structure of information about people’s genetic and innate brain potentials. These tests are mostly used for educational purposes by educational counselours. Research is being done in this field as the fingerprint analysis strategy can be effective in predicting talents in a specific individual.


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