Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety
Awareness Education Health

Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety

Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety


A healthy body and mind are worth a million dollars. Keep fit, move as much as you can, and get the most of your life. One needs to take good care of oneself in all situations. The time is still tense, and we have to be cautious. It is causing a lot of stress in which many people are falling to it.


Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse situations. Anxiety is the consistent and excessive worry of daily situations. Fast heart rate, heavy breathing, constant worry are the symptoms of anxiety. Muscle tension, sweating, frequent urination, fatigue, dizziness, the trouble of sleeping are also seen sometimes.


Different anxiety:

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Commonly known as GAD, it is a common anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable worrying. They worry about something bad happening to them or their loved ones.
  2. Social phobia: It is a condition that causes intense anxiety to interact with other people.
  3. Panic disorder: It causes panic attacks which are usually accompanied by shortness of breath, fear of failing miserably, or pounding heart.
  4. Post-traumatic stress disorder: Usually a traumatic experience brings back fearful memories and anxiety.
  5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: It is repetitive thoughts and the compulsion to complete some actions.


Here are some ways in which you can manage stress and anxiety :

  • Balanced diet:

One needs to consume a diet that comprises proteins, carbohydrates,  vitamins, minerals required by the body in the required proportion.

  • Exercise:

Exercise plays a major role in keeping stress and anxiety at bay. Do exercise regularly. Make it a habit to do it every day for at least thirty minutes. Walking, jogging, or any physical activity according to the age and health of the person should be good. Remember to maintain social distancing if you are going to the park. We can do Yoga Sana in the comfort of the home itself.

  • Avoid alcohol:

One should avoid consuming alcohol.  Using caffeine should also be limited.

  • Meditation

They prove meditation to help reduce stress.  Give some time to yourself, try to silence the mind for some time.  Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet place, close your eyes, inhale slowly. As you inhale, watch the breath. Slowly, exhale, and continue the process. Breathing exercise is a powerful relaxation technique. It gives immense happiness that one has to experience.

  • Hobbies:

Hobbies are anything that we cultivate to do in our free time. If you are so busy, make time for your hobbies. It is worth doing something that you are passionate about.  Soon, self-improvement helps one to discover their true potential. Drawing, sketching, writing poems trigger one to imagine, and the continuous effort will be a good one.

  • Busy:

Be active, an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. Clean the house, go to the super-market, or do any chore that you care about.  Never sit idle. There are many errands if you look around the house. Cleaning the house is a continuous routine action.

  • Reading:

Reading is a good habit; it gives a good workout to the brain. Choose the right kind of books. Books should bring joy, knowledge, or a good feeling and not pain or grief. Avoid reading horror stories.

  • Mindfulness

                  Mindfulness is being in the present.  Being mindful helps one to stay alert. They are more aligned with the work at hand. Give your hundred percent in whatever you do. Be mindful of every activity that you are doing.

  • Avoid multi-tasking

Most people think that multi-tasking is the symbol of genius. But multi-tasking is difficult, it is not every man’s cup of tea. They cause errors, it may be difficult to alter them as well.

  • Timing

Set the time to do your work, finish the important tasks ahead of time. You will be at ease about it. Keep simple jobs for the latter-day when you are tired. Take a break after working for a couple of hours.

  • Good sleep

Sleep is essential, a good sleep pattern keeps all diseases at bay. Make sure you have a sound sleep for six to seven hours. Avoid using the laptop for at least two hours before hitting the sack. A tired body feels anxious soon.


 Here are some things we need to think and work about it:

  • Figure out the problem that causes anxiety

The physical symptoms of panic and anxiety such as rapid heartbeat and body trembles are quite common, one needs to figure out the cause of it. Take a journal and write the factors that trigger anxiety in you. Try to understand the pain points that affect you regularly.

  • Make the necessary changes

One needs to change some factors. Change is hard, but we need to overcome the fear of doing it. If the thought of a dog puts forth fear, avoid thinking about it. Rather think about beautiful butterflies that swarm in the garden. Sometimes, anxiety needs to be identified and action may be necessary. As the fear of losing the job rises, go out and search for a different one. Many times we need to consult a doctor and take regular medication.

  • Reaching out to friends

Speaking of the problem to a good friend will ease the situation. You may also come to a solution where social life is more relaxing. It is one of the best therapy but makes sure you are reaching out to the right person. Not everyone is our well-wisher.

  • Stop and breathe slowly

Make sure you take out some time and breathe slowly. Each time you exhale, remember you are a tough person. The body is giving some kind of information that needs attention. Try to analyze and understand the body rhythms.



Seek professional help:


There are many ways in which they can treat stress and anxiety.

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy is a good way to manage stress and anxiety. It teaches one to recognize anxious thoughts and change them into positive ones.
  • Exposure therapy and systematic desensitization are good in treating phobias. They expose the person to anxiety-provoking stimuli to overcome the feelings of fear.
  • Medications: They give different medications for anxiety disorder. One should consult a doctor and take the prescribed medication.







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