The Psychology Behind Prodigies and Child Geniuses

The Psychology Behind Prodigies and Child Geniuses

child prodigies

Prodigies: Children with exceptional talent in a particular area.

According to psychology study literature, a child prodigy is a person under ten who achieves substantial output in a field at the level of an adult expert. The phrase is sometimes used more widely to describe young people who possess extraordinary talent in a certain area.

The Psychology Behind Prodigies and Child Geniuses

These kids have a strong interest in the field in which they excel, and they can devote so much of their attention to it that they become disoriented from the outside world.” Winner contends that rather than being the source of natural skill, this single-mindedness is a result of a convergence of genetic influences.

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Prodigious accomplishment, however, also appears to be related to fundamental cognitive capacities that are known to be influenced by genetic variables, according to new studies. The sample’s IQ ranged widely, from 100, which is the norm for the general population, to 147, which is far higher than the typical threshold for being classified as intellectually gifted. However, almost all of the prodigies performed remarkably well on the working memory tests, with an average score of 140 (above the 99th percentile).

Do you know the IQ of Child Genius and Prodigy?

The IQs of these prodigies ranged widely, from 108 to 147, the researchers found. The study found that being a prodigy does not always require having a high IQ. While many kids with high IQs are not prodigies, many kids with low IQs are. the young genius’s IQ: is 130–144: A moderately talented range. 145–159: Extremely talented. 160 to 179: Highly talented. 180 and above: Extremely talented.

The Development of Child Prodigy and Genius

According to some researchers, a child’s intrinsic talent and their energetic and emotional investment both contribute to the development of extraordinary talent. Some contend that the environment, frequently in overt ways, has a major role. Childhood prodigies are not usually carried over into maturity. According to several studies, gifted kids fall behind because they don’t put in enough effort. According to Jim Taylor, a professor at the University of San Francisco, this is because talented kids succeed early in life with little to no effort and might not learn to take responsibility for their accomplishments. These kids might not learn to associate effort with results as a result. Some kids could also think they can achieve success without putting in effort.

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Memory Capacity of Prodigies

Several math whizzes have had PET scans that indicate they use long-term working memory (LTWM) to think. This field-specific memory can retain pertinent knowledge for long stretches of time, typically hours. For instance, it has been observed that seasoned servers can mentally recall up to twenty customers’ orders while serving them, yet their performance in number-sequence recognition is comparable to that of an average individual. The PET scans also provide information regarding the precise brain regions linked to number manipulation.

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One subject never did well in arithmetic as a child, but he learned himself calculator speed tricks and algorithms, which allowed him to perform exceedingly difficult mental math. The PET scan was used to study his brain in comparison to six other controls, indicating distinct brain regions that he was able to operate in order to solve the challenging challenges. He and other alleged prodigies employ parts of the brain related to visual and spatial memory, as well as visual mental images. Additionally, the subject’s usage of other brain regions was evident, including one that is typically associated with infantile “finger counting” and is likely where he related numbers to the visual cortex.

Let’s have a look at the list of child Prodigies:

  • Mathematics and Science.
  • The Arts – Music, Literature, Virtual Arts
  • Games – Chess, Go
  • Other- Some kids go on to become well-known and dubbed prodigies, but it’s debatable if they’ve generated anything of value that would qualify them as adult expert professionals.
Child Prodigy Born or Made

You are unique because of the interaction of your genes and environment. Without a doubt, some people have unusual gifts from birth. But few prodigies have ever received training to become one. Researchers think that the prodigy’s social background and the parents’ unwavering support play a part in his or her development, according to NeuroNation. Among the other members, parents are often the first to notice their talents. After that, it is honed and polished to nurture. A youngster can develop into a child prodigy with the correct guidance and encouragement.

Greater IQ: A child is considered bright or brilliant if their IQ is greater than 130. Prodigies are now the go-to person in modern times if you want to become famous and wealthy.

Social Instability

Being a prodigy is both a blessing and a curse. It is comparable to carrying the weight of the entire world – a claim made by numerous masters – on your shoulders. You are held in high regard by others, and there is no way for you to lose that status. You practice your talent continuously in order to get better and better at it. Neglected and disregarded is mental health.

After a few years, child prodigies frequently find themselves alone and without companions, because they struggle to adapt to their surroundings. While other kids their age enjoy TV and trips, they spend their childhood honing these talents. Consequently, they fail to exhibit the sociable trait. the persistent desire to fit in and be “normal” like the other youngsters.


The cognitive-developmental theory states that the child prodigy phenomenon results from a kid’s extraordinarily fast mental development during critical times, which causes the child’s cognitive resources to grow quickly and be built into a particular cognitive experience framework. Child prodigies therefore have a distinctive intellectual perspective on the universe.


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