How Festivals like Holi Boost Our Mental Health?

How Festivals like Holi Boost Our Mental Health?


India is a diverse country, and with that comes its diverse festivities. Festivals like Holi, Diwali, Christmas, and Eid could help lighten up our mood and refresh our minds by giving us some time off from work. Festival vibes have their charm and fill everyone with joy, from preparing for the festival, visiting relatives and exchanging gifts and wishes to celebrating it on the festival day with the whole family.

Different festivals teach people about history and diverse cultures by putting light on the purpose behind celebrations and the particular way of performing rituals. Festivals bring so much fun to everyone’s lives and also boost the mental health of human beings.

Festival charm releases happy hormones

Festivals bring with them the occasional activities and happiness. Celebrations release Endorphins also known as the ‘happy hormones’. While celebrating the festivals with friends and family, the happy hormones aka endorphins get released which could help keep depression or any other mental conditions at bay. People forget their worries and all the goings at work or in the family for a while. Also, the human mind is programmed since birth to associate festivals with feelings of happiness, joy, spirituality, forgiveness and gratitude.

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Festivals make us cheerful about life by helping us to focus on the brighter side of life as well. People express their gratitude on festivals for having to experience the glory of each different festive vibe by feeling togetherness, joy and a bit of nostalgia each passing year.

Festivals develop our understanding of different commerce and traditions

There are so many different festivals which people celebrate according to their culture and traditions by following specific rituals every year. Festivals provide people with opportunities to connect with their own culture as well as understand and explore other cultures and traditions as well, giving everyone new experiences and beliefs.

It helps in building strong interpersonal relationships by making people come together irrespective of their caste, religion, gender, and ethnic beliefs, thereby also improving one’s mental health, by reducing the chances of conflicts and progressing with clear understanding. People get to learn the lives of others and so they get open-minded.

Festivals distance an individual from isolation by connecting with their loved ones

During festival days everyone gets together to celebrate and have fun. Students living away from their hometown for studies return back to their home during festive holidays and working people can take their time off. Everyone gets assigned to do some work like decorating the household, getting sweets, helping in the kitchen to make delicious festive food, buying divas, candles on Diwali and water guns, and balloons on Holi.

Guests come for the celebrations and people get to spend some quality time with their loved ones, which leads to the strengthening of bonds. This helps in overcoming loneliness and feeling of isolation by getting the feeling of belongingness. It also helps us understand the importance of family and friends not just to celebrate festivals but also in life. People get to pass their time by cherishing moments with loved ones.

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Festivals reduce stress and anxiety of the person and gives a fresher perspective

Holi is a festival of colours that are so pleasant to watch and play with. It helps calm an individual’s mind and body. The relaxation time after having fun with colors and sparks and eating delicious food is just indescribable. Festivals are a great way of spending precious time with loved ones every year as everyone gets official breaks from their work life.

Also, playing with colors and water boosts immunity by stimulating white blood cells and antibody production. The water balloon shots make people strong enough to endure physical pain as well. They get to enjoy yummy home-cooked food after celebrations which further develops the immunity system of persons.

The cardiovascular health of humans gets improved as they get themselves ready to dance, sing, and do physical activities. Such activities improve blood circulation to the heart and reduce the risk of heart diseases, keeping the individual fit and healthy both mentally as well as physically.

Triggering of all five senses in humans during festival days

Festivals give immense pleasure and happiness as the environment triggers or activates all the senses of humans. People get to see beautiful views, colors, and lights everywhere which is bliss to human eyes. The ears get to listen to the sweet voices of loved ones filled with laughs and gossip. Similarly, the nose gets filled with the fragrance of tasty festive food and the mouth gets to eat it all.

Holi is an ancient Hindu festival being celebrated for a long time and Holi signifies the victory of good over evil. This carries such a positive message and has a great, positive impact on the human mind. The brain is acclimatized to positive thinking during the festive season, wondering about life’s wonders and the people who make the festive times feel more festive and sparkly.

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Festivals provide individuals with the time to reflect upon themselves and their existence. It teaches us to value relationships and be present for our loved ones. Festivals are like a vehicle that helps carry the traditions and teachings of a long time ago to be known by the present as well as the upcoming future generations, helping us to present Cultural traditions. Appreciate the moments and take lessons whenever possible. Be mindfully present and get involved in all the fun celebrations. This way the mental health stays intact and worries related to work or any other problems of life get a hold for some time.


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