Got his Degree at the Age of 95 – Now Considering Another Course

Got his Degree at the Age of 95 – Now Considering Another Course


Where there is a will, there is a way!

Truly, where there is a will, there is a way. Dr. Marjot, a resident of Surrey, recently obtained a degree from Kingston University at the age of 95 years, becoming the University’s oldest graduate. He pursued an MA in Modern European Philosophy, which he began 72 years after he originally qualified as a doctor.

The reason he cited for pursuing another degree was that the psychiatry industry has changed considerably over the years in the UK. He wanted to know more about philosophy and gain a better understanding of how to apply it to his profession in modern times. He mentioned that he was aware of the fact that he was short on time due to his age restrictions, which is why he applied immediately to a course that was local to him. He also appreciated the staff and students at Kingston University, grateful for how accommodating to him they were. He talked about how his experience was wonderful and that the teaching at the institution was fantastic.

He truly is a testament to the fact that age is not a barrier to learning, as long as you are full of passion and determination. “It is a bit of a gamble, but the main thing is if you’re interested then go for it,” he said. One can imagine the amount of hard work it took for him to pursue the course. He mentioned troubles with his memory, which is not as impressive as before. He must have faced significant hurdles in the form of physical limitations as well. Also, it takes copious amounts of courage to go against societal expectations that come with old age and follow one’s heart. But he displayed immense perseverance and braved it all for the sake of his education.

He also leads with example to demonstrate that education is lifelong. The general perception is that student life lasts till about a person’s mid-20s, and then one must enter the professional field and make a living. However, learning is a constant process. Humans have scope for self-improvement. Dr Marjot is now considering starting another degree, a part-time doctorate, which he would finish at the age of 102!

Dr Marjot was accompanied by his son and son-in-law on his graduation day. He received a huge standing ovation from his peers and the audience as he was being awarded his degree by Kingston University Provost Professor Helen Laville. This highlights the importance of the support of one’s family and community. Dr Marjot’s wife unfortunately passed away a few years before the pandemic, yet, the unconditional motivation throughout his educational journey from his peers and family gave him the strength to get on his feet and achieve his goals.

At 95, Dr Marjot is now one of the UK’s oldest-ever graduates, only second to 96-year-old Archie White, who currently holds the record after graduating from the University of Brighton in 2021. Both these individuals act as unwavering examples of how you must not let stereotypes get in the way of your passion. They have defied all odds and broken societal norms.

They defied false assumptions that older individuals are incapable of furthering their learning, and have become an inspiration for other older individuals that they too can hope and follow through with their educational aspirations. His story of resilience and determination must be a cause for celebration for the entire society. While lauding his achievement, we must take inspiration from his attitude of relentless pursuit of knowledge, and commendable dedication to his discipline and practice

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