5 Self-Help Tips to Ease Hemorrhoid Pain

5 Self-Help Tips to Ease Hemorrhoid Pain


Gone are the days when Hemorrhoids were a common disease in older people. Now, it happens to most people and causes severe pain. The classic symptoms of hemorrhoid are rectal pain, itching, bleeding, and possibly prolapse. Experiencing haemorrhoid can impact your mood swings and ability to move and sit comfortably. But with simple self-help tips, you can ease the process and prevent this problem. Curious to know what these tips are? If yes, read on to explore these in this blog:

1. Step Up the Fiber

The first and foremost thing you need to start working on is adding fibre to your diet. By including an appropriate amount of fibre in your diet, you can improve the form of stool. This way, it will become soft and easy to pass and cause no pain to the inflamed vein. Fiber is naturally found in many vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods, and oates-rich meals. Adding fibre to your diet is a simple yet quite effective way to improve the formation of stool. With the right diet, include exercise in your routine as well for the fastest recovery.

2. Lubricate the Process

If you are finding it hard to pass the stool, try working on home remedies to get relief from the pain. What best you can consider is mixing a tablespoon of mineral oil with yoghurt and taking it at breakfast or lunch. This will allow the stool to slide easily by the hemorrhoid. While you are working on it, don’t do it for a longer time. If you want to continue the process for a long time, try to place a liner in your undergarments to absorb any oil leakage.

3. Off-The-Shelf Remedies

If you are not satisfied with home remedies, you can look out for over-the-counter products to treat haemorrhoids. There are several pain relievers and soothing creams, such as Preparation H. You can find hazel-infused pads to relieve pain. In case these don’t work out for you, you can always visit your health specialist.

4. Get It Tested

Hemorrhoids may seem a temporary thing. However, poor dietary habits can become chronic and cause more pain and discomfort. It can turn a natural process of passing stool devastating for a person. That is why it is recommended that you visit the most trusted health specialist in your town. For example, if you are living around Fordham, Bronx, you can look out for the best hemorrhoid doctors in Fordham, Bronx, NY, for regular checkups and treatment. By consulting your health specialist, you can get an instant cure and work on the fastest recovery.

5. Don’t Delay Bathroom Break

While the human body can control the urgency, it is advised to avoid delaying the urgency. Keeping the stool in the bowel for more extended hours can make it drier and harder. This can make the process painful and cause more trouble passing it.

So, whenever you find the urge to pass the stool, don’t ignore the natural call and get it done to prevent bleeding and other health issues. Other than this, you can work on drinking more water and prevent taking caffeine as it causes dehydration. 

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