Working Women: Are You Considering Your Mental Health?

Working Women: Are You Considering Your Mental Health?

A woman thinking in the office

Women at work are prevalent both inside and outside of India. Women have been given and taken advantage of these chances as government-provided education, knowledge, and opportunities for women have increased daily. They are gradually establishing parity with males in many aspects of life. Working women take on a variety of duties alongside males in the workplace, including raising children, becoming parents, teachers, looking after their elderly parents, and many more, which may be quite taxing for them. The additional responsibility and stress of tasks, particularly for working mothers with small children undoubtedly impact their psychological well-being.

Women’s employment is frequently perceived as belonging exclusively to them and is frequently connected to stereotyped professions that have historically been linked with the feminine sex. It most frequently refers to the unpaid work that a mother or wife does at home and for their family. Women’s work is typically underpaid or paid less than “men’s work” and is not as highly respected. Since a large portion of the work women typically perform is not accounted for in official labor statistics, it is essentially invisible.

Types of work

The term “women’s work” refers to a variety of jobs including childcare, household, and professions like nursing where women have recently dominated.

  • Child care: The phrase “women’s work” may refer to a role with children that is determined by nature, i.e., tasks that can only be physiologically accomplished by women, such as nursing and birthing. The terms “midwife” and “wet nurse” may also be used to describe occupations that need these skills. The term “women’s work” may also apply to the responsibilities of raising children, particularly those that take place in the house, such as diaper-changing and associated hygiene, toilet-training, bathing, dressing, feeding, supervising, and personal care instruction.
  • Industries dominated by women: Women’s work can also refer to careers in childcare, such as that of a governess, nanny, nursery provider or au pair, as well as to professional roles like those of a teacher (particularly one who teaches children) and a nurse.
  • Domestic work: The term “women’s work” can also apply to domestic tasks like cooking, sewing, ironing, and cleaning. It may also be used to describe occupations like cook and maid that incorporate these duties. While most “women’s work” is performed indoors, some of it is performed outside, such as grocery shopping, or gardening. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, life was predominately agricultural, and women worked on farms just as much as men did.
Working mothers

Working mothers deal with a particular set of difficulties. It might be difficult for them to manage their obligations to their families and their jobs. While simultaneously making sure, looking after the kids, nourishing them, and educating them, they might have to cope with long work days, deadlines, and meetings. Additionally, working women could feel guilty since they frequently worry that they aren’t spending enough time and energy on their kids.

It’s impossible to balance two completely different lifestyles on a daily basis, thus every working mum is a superwoman. Working mothers devote a tremendous lot of time, effort, and effort to their jobs while also caring for their families. Women frequently face financial hardships that cause them great worry, exhaustion, and even anxiety.

Myths about women at work
  • Women are too timid to negotiate.
  • Women don’t contribute as much to economic growth.
  • They cannot manage stress because they are overly sensitive and emotional
Challenges women face in the workplace
  • Female executives are still rare.
  • Adapting to technology and retraining
  • COVID-19 disproportionately affected women.
  • juggling family responsibilities and work priorities
  • There is still gender prejudice.
  • Minimal payment
How to deal with its challenges?
  • Establish a schedule
  • Set limitations
  • assign tasks
  • Set your tasks’ priorities
  • Take pauses
  • Exercise self-care
  • Communicate openly with your partner
  • Get rid of negativity
  • Seek assistance
  • Say ‘no’ more frequently
  • Try to be flexible at work
  • Make friends with other women

We all have our individual burdens, pleasures, problems, and victories, therefore there isn’t a single, universal strategy for achieving work-life balance. The challenge of finding a healthy work-life balance may seem overwhelming, but with the following tips, you’re one step closer to living a happy, full life.

Working mothers who have kids confront particular difficulties. They may, however, achieve a balance between their work and personal life by planning ahead, establishing boundaries, assigning tasks, prioritising them, taking pauses, engaging in self-care, and being kind to themselves.


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