What Is Vague Booking Through The Lens Of EEG?
Awareness Motivation Research Social

What Is Vague Booking Through The Lens Of EEG?

The contemporary era of the Post-Millennial generation focuses on the use of social media that dominates this framework, where the unprecedented clutch of this effervescent trend is being constantly endorsed through several means. The phenomenon of vague booking is not relatively new but it is gaining awareness only recently. The most fascinating part of human evolution is the brain that enables survival of humans through complex underlying mechanisms. Brain cells communicate both electrically and chemically. These electrical impulses are active all the time, even when individuals are asleep. Understanding human thought and behaviour involves many approaches, however brain imaging techniques like EEG enables understanding their working pattern. An Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test detecting the electrical activity in brain using small, metal electrodes attached to the scalp. Changes in the electrical activity of the brain provide a lot of information about various aspects namely emotions, etc. Due to its significant properties, EEG is majorly used for clinical and psychiatric applications to determine and evaluate individuals’ cognitive states and also the effect of any medical or psychological treatments. Recent research trends have found that assessment of event-related potentials and event-related oscillations, extracted from ongoing EEG provides significant information about the ongoing progressive cognitive functioning. Similarly, studies have also examined the relation between human emotions and EEG signals to classify them indicated by the brain wavelets. As vague booking is also implicated to involve diverse array of emotions that creates the urge to express them, here EEG can provide a reliable measure of the changes in the brain activity for engagement in such phenomena. Besides, EEG has several advantages over other neuroimaging techniques like it can help in quickly determining the changes in the brain activity in response to the stimuli, where it detects the change of thousands of neurons signalling at the same time and it is non-invasive technique which increases its likelihood of application for research studies.

Application of EEG to Understand Vague booking:

Biopsychosocial domain provides explanations about diverse array of complexities that render holistic understanding about the phenomena, especially in order to provide better understanding of suicidal ideations that can be indicated through the phenomena of vague booking. Understanding of any phenomena comes from overall picture which explains that from different perspectives. Even vague booking requires understanding from different domains rendering biological, psychological and social perspectives to determine its underlying and manifested characteristics. Each domain has lot of components that accounts for its complexities. Hence, covering all the perspectives increases the complexities. Realizing this complexity and the need to address issues related to suicidal ideations and other emotional disorders, the present article focuses upon the biological domain. As this phenomenon of vague booking when viewed from biological domain, highlights on the emotional component that involves both positive and negative side. On the positive light, even though indirectly, it indicates their attempts to seek help, however on the negative side, people use this to gratify their attention-seeking tendency because of which people usually tend to ignore such posts. However, emotional component seems to underlie the phenomena as emotional regulation can be implicated to determine the engagement in the act of vague booking. Through the studies, it can be seen that EEG helps in determining the emotional aspect underlying any kind of cognitions and identify what kind of updates can be understood among the people with suicidal ideations. Based on such evidences and recognizing the difficulty and complexity of integrating all the domains, the aim is to highlight on the conceptual framework using EEG to understand the biological domain of this phenomenon that can provide further direction to understand the psychological and social domains.  


Gaining an understanding is important from biological domain as it would provide information about the changes in the brain activity that would render better understanding of the brain regions activated or change in the pattern of electrical activity in the brain to detect any further physiological changes which can also add on the understanding from psychological and social perspectives. This paper provides a significant link between the phenomenon of vague booking and application of EEG to explore the biological domain directing to psychological and social components determining its characteristics. This kind of understanding could be translated into empirical study to demonstrate and based on the findings, it would help differentiate the people who engage in vague booking and identifying the ones who genuinely seek help through such posts where the research can be done both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitatively vague booking can be correlated to the variables like social anxiety, isolation, decreased empathy, etc. in different population to understand the underlying mental health issues of individuals in need. Qualitatively, content analysis can be done of the posts and further through interview process, the subjective opinion underlying the phenomena could be explored. Further, gaining a biological understanding, it could be used to relate to the personality pattern that increases their vulnerability or any other factors that can be used to identify individuals who seek help and appropriately responding to them. All this would be helpful as this domain is yet to be explored and it would open up opportunities for further research and broaden people’s understanding about this phenomenon and look at it from different perspectives.


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