What Can Be The Impact Of Child Abuse On The Mental Health Of The Child?
Awareness Health Parenting

What Can Be The Impact Of Child Abuse On The Mental Health Of The Child?

Child abuse is when a parent or guardian, regardless of whether through activity or neglecting to act, causes injury, death , emotional  damage or danger to a child. There are numerous types of child abuse, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation and emotional abuse.

Myths and fact about CHILD ABUSE –

Myth: It’s possibly abuse if it’s violent.

Fact : Physical maltreatment is only one kind of child abuse. Child neglect, sexual and psychological mistreatment can incur the same amount of harm, and since they’re not generally as self-evident, others are less inclined to intercede.

Myth: Only awful individuals abuse their kids.

Fact : Not every parent or guardian purposefully hurt their child. Many have been victims of abuse themselves and don’t know idea about some other method to parent. Others might be battling with psychological well-being issues or substance misuse issues.

Myth: Abuse doesn’t occur in “good” families.

Fact : Abuse and neglect doesn’t just occur in poor families or bad  neighbourhoods. These practices cross all racial, financial, and social lines. Here and there, families who appear to have everything from the outside are concealing an alternate story in secret.

Myth: Most child abusers are outsiders.

Fact: While abuse by outsiders occur, most victimizers are relatives or others close to the family.


It is an exceptionally the kind of child abuse which is not really considered as an abuse. An example of neglecting to accommodate child’s basic needs, which incorporate sufficient food, clothing, cleanliness, or supervision. Now and again, a parent may turn out to be truly or intellectually incapable to think about a child, for example, in instances of genuine sickness or injury, or untreated depression or anxiety. Different occasions, alcohol or drug abuse may truly impair judgment and the capacity to protect a child.

Examples of child neglect:

  • Abandoning a child or declining to take responsibility of a child.
  • Consistently leaving a child in someone else’s custody for quite a long time or weeks all at once.
  • Neglecting to give enough food and drink.
  • Neglecting to give clothing that are proper to the climate.
  • Neglecting to guarantee individual hygiene.
  • Leaving the youngster with an improper guardian.

Physical abuse

It includes physical harm or injury to the child. It might be the aftereffect of a purposeful attempt to hurt the child or excessive physical punishment. In any case, there is a major contrast between using physical discipline to train and physical abuse.

Effects of physical abuse

  • Bruises and swellings
  • Weekend brain development
  • Sprains or broken bones
  • Poor physical health
  • STD’s
  • Pain or itching in genital area

Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is particularly confounded type of abuse in view of its layers of blame and disgrace. It’s important to perceive that sexual abuse doesn’t generally include body contact. Presenting a child to sexual circumstances or material is sexually abusive, regardless of whether contacting is included.

Effects of sexual abuse

  • Trouble sitting, walking
  • Bleeding, wounds, pain , swelling , tingling of genital zone
  • Regular urinary tract problems
  • Any sexual transmitted diseases or related manifestations
  • Anxiety regarding several things

Emotional Abuse

 In spite of certain individuals’ convictions, words can hurt and emotional abuse can seriously harm a child emotional well-being or social turn of events.

Effects of emotional abuse

  • Low self esteem
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Persistent fear
  • Difficulty with making and maintaining relationships
  • Experiences flashback

Child abuse is a troublesome subject that can be difficult to acknowledge and much harder to discuss—for both you and the child. When conversing with a abused child, the most ideal approach to urge them is to show quiet consolation and unconditional support.


Avoid denial and remain calm

A typical response to news as terrible and shocking as child abuse is disturbing. If you show refusal to a youngster, or show stun or disgust at what they are stating, the child might be reluctant to proceed and will shut down. As hard as it might be, stay as quiet and consoling as you can.

Don’t interrogate too much

Let the child disclose to you in their own words what occurred, yet don’t cross examine the youngster or pose driving inquiries. This may confound and bother the child and make it harder for them to proceed with their story.

Reassure the child that they did nothing wrong

It takes a great deal for a child to approach about abuse. Reassure them that you pay attention to what they stated, and that it isn’t their fault.

Safety comes first

In the event that you feel that your safety or the wellbeing of the child  would be compromised on the off chance that you attempted to intervene, leave it to the professionals. You might have the option to offer more support along with it.


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