Uttarakhand Open University is Organising One day National Seminar on Positive Psychology Theme

Uttarakhand Open University is Organising One day National Seminar on Positive Psychology Theme

Uttarakhand Open University

The city of Haldwani, in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, is home to the Uttarakhand Open University, a State Open University. On October 31, 2005, the Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly passed an act creating the university. The Association of Indian Universities, the Distance Education Bureau, and the University Grants Commission all recognize UOU. Undergraduate and graduate programs are available at the university. As instructed by UGC, it also provides PhD degrees, on a full-time basis.

The university is currently organizing a one-day national seminar sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) on positive psychology entitled “Nurturing Happiness, Enhancing Wellness, and Cultivating Mindfulness: A Journey Towards Psychological Well-Being” at Uttarakhand.

About Seminar:

A vital component of human well-being and personal development is happiness, wellness, and mindfulness. In this seminar, we will delve into the varied nature of these notions, investigating the most recent psychological research and practical strategies to promote healthy mental health.
Participants will explore the transformational potential of mindfulness in developing a more fulfilling and balanced life. They will also learn ways to encourage wellness. Participants will get insights into the science of happiness.

Sub-Themes of Seminar:
  1. Wellbeing through Traditional Indian Practices
  2. Digital and Emotional Well-being
  3. Happiness Economics
  4. Sociocultural Perspectives of Happiness
  5. Happiness: Nature vs. Nurture
  6. Mindfulness and Mental Health Therapies
  7. International Relationship and Global Well-being
  8. Quality of life or Materialistic life
  9. Positive Psychology: Application and Impact
  10. Happiness and Wellbeing through Government Social Welfare Programs
  11. Happiness and Aging
Guidelines for Abstract Submission:
  • Participants must submit a 300-word maximum abstract of their papers in a Microsoft Word document with a font size of 12, single-line spacing, Times New Roman for English, Arial Unicode for Hindi, and four keywords.
  • The aims, methodology, noteworthy results, implications, and important references must all be stated in the abstract. The editorial committee will review and approve the abstracts.
  • The author(s)’ names, affiliation(s), complete postal address, email address, mobile number, and the title of the article must all be included in the abstract.
  • The sole accepted method of submission for the abstract is by mail to icssrseminar2023@uou.ac.in.
Guidelines For Paper Submission:
  • Only the email address listed above is required for submission of the entire manuscript.
Before submitting, the authors are urged to follow the following rules:
  1. Only submit original work.
  2. Use Times New Roman throughout the entire manuscript, using different font sizes for distinct sections and headers, such as Title: Font 14 (Centre text and Bold), All headings: Font 13 in bold, All subheadings & Body Text: Font 12 in bold.
  3. Citations in APA format.
  4. Please submit a plagiarism report with the entire manuscript.
Important Dates:
  • Last dates for abstract submission: 12/10/2023
  • Notification of acceptance/Rejection of abstract: 16/10/2023
  • Last date for paper submission with registration fee: 22/10/2023

Click Here for Registration

Registration Fee:
  • Students: Rs. 300/-
  • Research Scholar: Rs. 500/-
  • Teachers: Rs. 800/
Payment Details:

Account holder: Uttarakhand Open University
Account number: 30617837388
IFSC code: SBIN0005100

  • By completing this Google form, all attendees should register for the seminar online using the suggested format.
  • The Number of co-authors is not limited, so please take note of it. If any of these authors or coauthors want to receive the conference certificate, they must register and pay the appropriate costs.
  • For the presentation of the paper, at least one author or coauthor must be present. Before a final research paper is submitted, registration is required.
  • The organizer will supply the seminar kit, lunch, snacks, and tea.

Note: Take a screenshot of the transaction receipt to upload to the registration link provided.


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