The Psychology of Laziness

The Psychology of Laziness


As the examination season is approaching, many students might be facing the fear of exams, competition, stress, and anxiety, which is natural to feel. However, procrastination is also one of the serious they suffer from. Procrastination in simple terms is delaying the work tomorrow. But why do we delay work? The reason behind this procrastination is laziness, which makes us feel a lack of motivation when we are assigned a task. A student may put off their studies because of laziness. This can have negative effects on the future and, also increases the risk of developing several psychological conditions like depression, and anxiety. In this article, we will explore the psychology of laziness and how can we overcome this issue.

Causes of Laziness

There could be a number of causes of laziness. This can be caused when a person lacks motivation, discipline, boredom, and physical health.

Low Motivation

Laziness can create a state of alienation in many people and this happens because of a lack of drive to complete the given tasks. Again, laziness is the reason behind this feeling. A proper incentive is important to keep the individual stay motivated and dont give up on the task they are assigned to. Moreover, they feel that whatever they are doing is a waste and they start to procrastinate, all this leads to a sense of laziness and to the development of many psychological conditions. This further can put you in a state of inactivity. The reason behind this would be the lack of motivation toward their task which can make an individual distracted.

This low motivation also happens when people have no clarity about what they want to do in their lives because sometimes people are doing work just for the sake of rewards.

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Fear Of Failure

Sometimes whenever we try to do something, there’s always a fear of what would be the outcome and it is natural to feel like that, However, sometimes this fear becomes so rigid that it stops us from trying out new things and understanding our potential. People feel that they won’t be able to meet their own expectations which leads to the fear of failure. They start saying negative things to themselves like I dont think I’m smart enough to do this.

This psychological fear makes them procrastinate and not let them take action on this issue. The reason behind developing this could be explored when a person is in their childhood, During this time many children are taught to perform best in their class, and sometimes this pressure becomes so much that they start developing anxiety if they don’t meet the expectations. It is this anxiety that can make children fearful of taking risks and creating a mindset of failing if they do something new. As a consequence, they procrastinate their things.

Another reason for developing the fear of failure is being a perfectionist. Many people when they have been given a task, their main is how to make that work perfectly. The definition of perfect may vary from person to person. Hence, making everything perfect can also lead to creating fear of failure. Perfectionists set very high standards for themselves, and when they fail to achieve them they can have negative emotions within themselves. Due to fear of failing, they start to avoid their work and procrastinate and they might not be able to express themselves properly. The reason for this would be the fear of judgment and criticism attached to it. They may think that their ideas would not be perfect and can avoid several creative activities.

Poor Self Regulation

Laziness has become a very common issue among people. You have often come across people who frequently say these things like ill do it after 30 minutes not now I’ll do it tomorrow whenever they have some work pending. But it is high time that people should stop using words like this in their lives.

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Laziness develops many problems in your physical and mental well-being. This issue can arise from poor self-regulation and discipline. Impulse control plays an important role to combat laziness. People who cannot control their impulses cannot stop themselves from short-term pleasures like playing video games, watching TV, or eating something unhealthy. As a result, they can’t stay centered on one issue and tend to procrastinate their required tasks.

Another essential component is the lack of discipline. People who cannot maintain discipline in their lives will not be able to manage their time and consciousness of their responsibilities. All this would not only not most effectively make people lazy but also make human beings lack ambition and acquire success.

How To Overcome Laziness?

We talked loads lot about what is laziness and what its causes are. But how to overcome this and enhance our lifestyle? In this section, we will speak about exclusive methods via which we can take away laziness.

Set Clear Goals

Having a clean sense of specific objectives and deadlines can make human beings stay influenced. Whenever a character units an aim and attempts to finish it inside a timeline, it creates a sense of accomplishment after they attain it. Since the individual units a timeline for himself to complete a certain undertaking, this can assist in providing them an experience of urgency that encourages them to take action. This will prevent them from procrastinating matters and ensure that they’re finishing their responsibilities on time.

Breaking Of Large Task Into Small One

Another manner to conquer laziness is by breaking massive responsibilities into smaller ones. When you a positive undertaking into smaller achievable chunks, it will become easy so that you can obtain it and might carry an experience of achievement within you. For instance, in case you’ve 10 chapters to study on your upcoming checks, attempt to do 1 chapter every day so that there might be no burden before your exam day.
Moreover, making these smaller tasks will help you to get rid of procrastination.

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Schedule Rewards

Scheduling rewards for yourself after completing the given tasks can help to give positive feedback which further encourages you to keep working hard towards your goal. Making rewards after completing the work can help to avoid distractions. When you know that a reward is waiting for you, that will help to stay focused on your work only.

It is important to appreciate your small achievements as it will motivate you to perform better in the future and make a good impact on your overall mental health too.


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