The Psychology Behind Self-help Books
Self Help

The Psychology Behind Self-help Books

A girl reading a book

In life, we all are struggling with some type of psychological and emotional conflict. Our Objective in life is to live life as per our wish and create some meaning to it. This objective can be achieved to some extent through Self-help books. Self-help books are books that are written with the intention of providing strategies for solving problems and making a desirable change in the lives of readers. Such books address life challenges, conflicting thought processes, and cognitive biases.

The Benefits of Reading Self-help Books:

1) One can become well-versed in handling uncontrolled emotions.
2) Provides conceptual Clarity, which leads to better decision-making.
3) Lower your expectations from others and your own self. Let you be a more realistic person in life.
4) Makes you wiser with time.
5) Give your strength in times of adversity and help you handle your fear, insecurities, and complexes.

Review of a few Self-Help books:
1) Maybe you should talk to someone: A therapist, her therapist, and our lives revealed

This book was written by Lori Gottlieb in 2019. She is an American writer and psychotherapist. This book starts with the unexpected breakup of Lori, who thought this boy was her dream boy and this relationship would last forever as she never noticed any red flags of relationship at that time. She finds it difficult to handle this loss of life and ends up being a patient herself on the couch of Mr. Wendell. Gradually she reveals about cases she is doing as a therapist. Yes by following all the rules of confidentiality.

This book is a story of real struggle, fear, and insecurities faced by therapists or counselors. While in the process of helping and healing others, it becomes really difficult for them to be like a person who also can feel such natural pain (Bereavement, Anxiety, and distress) of life. When they are facing any life challenges they experience constant arguments between their professional and personal self.
One line in the book will give you the insight to see yourself and your professional journey in a new light.
Suggestions- this book is a must-read for people who want to understand the details of a therapy session and want to learn with practical examples.

Some lines from the book:
  1. Therapy elicits reactions because, in a way, it’s like pornography. Both involve a kind of nudity. Both have the potential to thrill. Both have millions of users, most of whom keep their use private.
  2. Because the loss of that dream is a very, very significant loss.
  3. Don’t judge your feelings; notice them. Use them as your map. Don’t be afraid of the truth.
  4. There’s something likable in everyone.
  5. Change and loss travel together.
  6. If the queen had balls, She’d be the king.
2) The rudest book ever.

This is no. One national bestseller book was written by Shwetabh Gangwar. This book talks about our psychological and emotional needs and how we are behaving to fulfill those needs. If you do a deep reading of this book you are going to be free from unnecessary thoughts created by your mind and will be able to focus on more important things in your life. This book will help you listen to your inner voice more clearly and let you be who you are rather than be who you want to be (for people). At the end of the book, some of your important misconceptions will be changed.

  • One line of book: This book talks about how to think rather than what to think.
  • Suggestions: this book is a must-read for anyone who loves to face self-criticism, wants to be more productive, and wants to overcome overthinking.
Some lines from the book:
  1. Your ego cares too much about how people see you, what people think of you, and how to control those two.
  2. People are many, many things, but never wholly good or entirely bad.
  3. The concept of good and bad also prevents you from fully empowering yourself and fully accepting others.
  4. Everyone who you fight is not your enemy and everyone who helps you is not your friend.
  5. You believe they are who you think they are.
  6. The sooner you gather the strength to accept the truth, the better it will be for your future.
3) Man’s Search for Meaning:

This book is written by Viktor E. Frankl, who was an Austrian Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor. This book is divided into two sections:

The first section is a journey of Frankl’s holocaust struggle, suffering, and success return. The second section is about logotherapy.
This book will tell you that even when you are at your worst, you have the choice to change the situation, how your deepest desires will become your reality, and How God will save you when you are born for a greater purpose in life.

  • One line for the book: This book will help find new meaning in your life.
  • Suggestions: this book is for anyone who wants to find a bigger purpose in life and also for people who want to practice psychology.
Some lines from the book:
  1. Life never ceases to have meaning; even suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds meaning.
  2. The meaning of life is unique to each moment; no situation repeats itself.
  3. Humans are self-determining; meaning is your responsibility to actualize.
  4. No matter the circumstance, you always have the last of the human freedoms: to choose your attitude.
  5. The meaning of life is unique to each individual; no one can be replaced.
  6. Asks you the meaning of life by questioning you; you don’t ask for life. It’s not what you expect from life, but what life expects from you.

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