Search Results for : syndrome

The Silent Culprit: Daily Stress Intake and Its Impact on Personal Health

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an almost unavoidable part of daily life. From deadlines and responsibilities to financial pressures and personal relationships, stressors abound. While some levels of stress can be motivating and adaptive, an excessive and prolonged

Life Style Positive

The Psychology Behind Growth and Development

Humans are never static beings. The individual transforms from the moment of conception till the moment of death. Development is a steady progression of well-organized, cohesive changes. A person’s physical, motor, social, emotional, intellectual, artistic, and moral growth occurs during


Understanding Grief Therapy And Its Interventions

It can be physically and emotionally agonizing to lose a loved one, which may sometimes make it challenging to carry out daily tasks.It is extremely important to process your feelings at the time of mourning by seeking a counselor or


Turning Point in Parents’ Lives, When Children Depart To Hostels

In today’s time, every child wants to acquire modern education. Therefore is not uncommon for them to leave for hostels. Hostels have become a preferred choice among students seeking higher education and wider aspects Any parent’s child will always be


Single Child Or Siblings: What Do You Prefer?

It takes much more than routine to raise a single child or sibling. Every parent does it out of the utmost love and care. Every parent wants to provide their child with the finest upbringing possible. Therefore, many young couples


Role of Media in Promoting Body Image Dissatisfaction

The effect of social media on body image can have various negative consequences on the physical and psychological well-being of an individual. They experience body shame because of continuous exposure to particular body types on social media. Social media gives


Walking Corpse Disorder: Haunting Reality of Delusion

A person stands in the dimly lit space, certain that they are no longer there. They look in the mirror, but all they see is a ghostly image—a lifeless, empty shell. This is the unsettling reality for those who are


Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Understanding its Causes, Effects, and Treatment

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a considerably milder version of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Women who are of childbearing age may be impacted. It’s a serious, long-lasting medical problem that need attention and care. In some cases, medications and lifestyle modifications


Vacancies in DST Research Project in the Department Of Psychiatry, AIIMS Bhopal

In All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Bhopal, there are vacancies in the DST-funded research project titled, “Neurohaemodynamic Correlates of Efficacy of Yoga and Meditation in Improving Cognitive Functions, Drinking Related Outcomes and Psychological Well-being in Alcohol Dependence Syndrome”


Are You Losing Your Identity in a Race of Fame?

Even though you might be embarrassed to say it to your friends or anybody you know, you secretly want to be famous too. Everyone wants fame—most people just won’t admit it. Who wouldn’t want to get fame, be rich, and