Search Results for : syndrome

The ‘Almost Syndrome’: The Mental Strain of Falling Short

Do you remember feeling a single step from triumph? Or even so close to getting the prize that never came after the last round? Scoring 99 but with an eye on 100 is what the “Almost Syndrome” refers to, psychologists


The Phantom Phone Syndrome: Why We Imagine Hearing Notifications That Don’t  Exist 

Have You Felt a Buzz That Wasn’t There?  Have you ever impatiently reached for your phone when you sensed a vibration in your pocket, only to discover that there were no new notifications? You’re not by yourself. Phantom Vibration Syndrome (PVS),

Life Style

Culture-bound Syndrome 

Culture-bound syndromes (CBS) refer to psychological or behavioural phenomena deeply rooted in specific cultural contexts. These conditions are shaped by cultural beliefs, traditions, and social norms and are often not included in Western psychiatric diagnostic frameworks. While they may seem


Ganser Syndrome  

Ganser syndrome is a rare and esoteric psychiatric disorder marked by nonsensical answers as well as other bizarre behaviours. Often classified as a form of dissociative disorder, the  Ganser syndrome involves what is called “approximate answers” or vorbeireden—that is,  incorrect

Health Self Help

The Third Man Syndrome: A Psychological Insight

During distressing situations in life, do you see or feel an apparition? Or do hear a voice in your head? A voice that feels like your subconscious or God or like a guardian angel. Have you experienced it? If not,

Awareness Health

Understanding and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: A Comprehensive Guide

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon characterized by persistent feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy despite evident success or accomplishments. Individuals experiencing imposter syndrome often dismiss their achievements as luck or attribute them to external factors rather than acknowledging their own


Understanding Cotard Delusion: The Walking Corpse Syndrome

If a person dies, will they continue to eat, sleep or take medicines? Will they brush their teeth or take a bath? No, right? Well, that is what people diagnosed with Cotard delusions argue. Cotard Delusion is a rare neuropsychiatric


Kleine-Levin Syndrome: The Sleeping Beauty Disorder

In this fast-moving world, sleep has become a luxury. Imagine getting the much-needed 8 hours of peaceful sleep after a long tiring day. Sleep restores your body and is essential for your well-being. But how about longer periods, say, 16


PANDAS Syndrome

PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infections) affects children with scarlet fever or strep throat and tends to develop the symptoms of this disorder. Furthermore, genetic predisposition or recurrent infections might contribute to its pathology. Studies have displayed


The Psychological impact of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome is an important and multi-faceted disease entity affecting all age groups. While researchers have well chronicled the physical features of the disease, they have often relegated its psychological counterpart to the background. This article attempts to explore