Search Results for : sleep pattern

Occupational Burnout: Is Your Job Becoming Detrimental To Your Well- Being?

Consider this: When you go to work you spend a huge chunk of your time on tasks that you either find overwhelming or too dull and you are unable to concentrate. You sit at your desk and think to yourself

Awareness Technology

How safe is playing PUBG for your Mental Health?

In a study done for 4-years, researchers found that adolescents/adults who play video games that involve high risk-taking and violence are more likely to get engaged in violent activities and risky behaviour. They also exhibit a low score on anger

Motivation Positive Self Help


Productivity at Work wins the Game but Happiness at Work wins the Championship. This is enormously true today – in these critical times of pandemic – while most of the people are working from home! The most significant component of


Are Serial Killers born or are they made?

Till date it is possible that we might have heard about a few people and cases that might have impacted us, made us think and question and we could feel chills running down through our spines when we first heard

Awareness Education Health Therapy


“Bipolar disorder can be a great teacher. It’s a challenge, but it can set you up to be able to do almost anything else in your life.” – Carrie Fisher Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme

Education Therapy

Various Facts and Myths about HYPNOTHERAPY

                                    “You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favourable climate in which to learn.” Contrary to

Health Self Help

Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace

Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace   Every adversity carries the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit – Napolean Hill It’s all always great till life throws you a curveball to test your skills

Education Health

Are children prepared to cope with COVID-19

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to multiply in India and worldwide, one thing is clear, that the current situation proved to have a profound impact not only on the physical health and economic condition but also on psychological

Health Self Help

Managing stress during COVID-19 pandemic

Managing stress during COVID-19 pandemic The current crisis, caused due to the COVID-19 virus has brought drastic change in our lives. The uncertainty of this outbreak has made the health experts unsure about when the crisis may abate. The rapidly


Heart Broken?

“Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.” –Mineko Iwasaki Heartbroken- misunderstood, separated, broken promises, sleepless nights, tearful eyes, the depths of pain- more, much more- a feeling that exceeds its expression