Search Results for : sleep pattern

Sleep breathing affects memory processing: Research

Researchers between breathing, memory, and the appearance of specific brain activity patterns have found a connection when an individual sleeps. Researchers at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (LMU) Munchen, the University of Oxford, and the Max Plank Institute for Human Development have studied the


Sleep Apnea: Definition, Symptoms and Treatment

What would you feel if you woke up after a very bad sleep one day? Certainly, your mood would go for a sure toss for the next 24 hours. So imagine someone having to deal with difficulty sleeping, exhaustion after


Influence of Horror Movies on Sleep and Dreams

Horror films like the cult favorite “The Exorcist,” “Saw,” “The Ring,” and “The Shining” are popular. Our screens overflow with killers and ghosts, and dramatic music plays constantly. Psychological tactics are used in horror films to manipulate sound, visuals, and


Study Reveals Sleeping is Better for Weight Loss

The primary cause of death globally is cardiometabolic illnesses, which include diabetes mellitus, obesity, and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Over the previous three decades, the burden of chronic diseases has increased globally, with diabetes-related fatalities tripling to 1.25 million annually and


The Connection between Sleep and Productivity

Many of us don’t get enough rest because we work too much. We don’t work effectively because we don’t sleep enough. Does that sound familiar? The importance of sleep and productivity cannot be overstated or downplayed. Both are essential for


How do we Maintain Good Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives, crucial for our physical health, cognitive function, emotional well-being, and even our psychological health. However, in today’s fast-paced world, many individuals neglect the importance of sleep hygiene, leading to sleep disturbances and


World Sleep Day: A Good Night Sleep Can Do Wonders

How do you feel after a good night’s sleep? Probably better prepared for the day, more productive, energetic, and satisfied. Isn’t this feeling sufficient to prioritise sleep for overall well-being? Sleep, one of the most compromised aspects of well-being, calls for


Doom scrolling – can’t keep your eyes off bad news? Tips to break the pattern

Doomscrolling is the urge to keep surfing or scrolling through unpleasant news, even when it is saddening, demoralizing, or depressing. It’s a behavior that many people have developed as a result of the pandemic and something which is likely to

Health News Research

Sleeping with Lights On at Night Can Cause Physical and Mental Problems: Study

Our preference to keep the lights on or sleep in pitch-dark rooms is subjective. Some prefer to sleep alone, and some with the people surrounding them. It depends on conditioning and the experiences they had over the years. On days

Health Positive

Prioritize your night’s sleep and don’t get deprived of it

How many of you find sleeping to be unmanageable these days? And also consider it as a catastrophe for sack time?   It’s late-night, but you are still awake and finding it difficult to fall asleep. Your eyes glued to