Search Results for : sleep

Need for Psychologists in the Maritime Industry

From counselling, training to psychometrics; there is a great need for psychologists and mental health professionals to involve in the marine industry. Almost all the countries live import some of its basic requirements for its day to day living. Grains,


Postpartum Depression: Blissful Motherhood to Nightmare

Becoming a mother is a dream of almost every woman, this good news brings happiness in their lives but motherhood is not blissful for every new born mother. As sometimes, it comes along with many unwanted difficulties. Postpartum depression (PPD)


Too low for the flow

Constant pressure, unforeseen situations and bad health can cause mental imbalance. Feeling of loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness and low affect can hamper your daily functioning. If prolonged, it may worsen and result in clinical depression. “DEPRESSION” – it is a serious


Understanding and Preventing Perinatal Depression

Pregnancy and childbirth is a significant life event for any women. But it also brings about lots of responsibilities and is associated with a range of emotional reactions during pregnancy and childcare. The period of pregnancy and childbirth most susceptible


Exam: test of ability or dreaded reality

Exams; a little too familiar words for students all over the place. For some its test of their abilities and for some it becomes the dreaded word. Only hearing about exams give many students goose bumps. Right now, it’s the


Autism Spectrum Disorder

AUTISM is neither a puzzle nor a disease. Autism is a challenge but certainly not a devastating one. Autistic children may not fit into your box of thoughts but they can help you realize that there is ‘NO BOX’. It


Depression is not rare

There has been a significant rise in the number of people with depression all over the world. WHO estimates that more than 300 million people globally are living with depression. Depression can have a significant impact on the quality of


What does it mean to have healthy self-esteem

“Believe in yourself” This is a message we encounter constantly, on Instagram posts, books, advertisements, TV shows, and fables – all around us. We keep hearing that believing in ourselves and having high self-esteem is important for success, relationships, happiness


OCD and Treatment through Homoeopathy

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which individuals have recurrent, disturbing thoughts they can’t prevent unless they engage in specific behaviours. It is a type of mental illness. People with OCD can have either obsessive thoughts or


Suicide: Threat to Youth

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers and young adults after the number of deaths due to motor vehicles.Teenage years represent an anxious and unsettling period for boys and girls as they face the difficulties of transition