Search Results for : productivity
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4 Productivity Myths to Stop Believing in

Don’t fall for these Productivity myths: Get more done now! American Psychological Association defines productivity as the relationship between the quantity or quality of output (goods or services created or provided) and the input (time, materials etc.) required to create

Life Style

The Psychology of Procrastination: strategies to boost Productivity

What is Procrastination? Delaying or postponing tasks till the very last minute or after their due date is known as procrastination. It is also defined as the type of self-regulation failure defined by the unreasonable postponement of duties in spite


The Connection between Sleep and Productivity

Many of us don’t get enough rest because we work too much. We don’t work effectively because we don’t sleep enough. Does that sound familiar? The importance of sleep and productivity cannot be overstated or downplayed. Both are essential for


How to Boost Your Productivity with Pomodoro Technique

How often have we given up looking at the exhaustive list of to-do things lined up for us, not knowing where to start? Yet, often have we thought the research project allotted as almost impossible and kept procrastinating to start


Use of online mental health posts to increase work productivity

Poor mental health is linked to a variety of physical ailments, including hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, among others. Employees with poor mental health are more likely to burn out, which has a significant impact on their capacity to contribute

Industrial Motivation Social

Coworker Friendliness Related To Your Job Productivity?

Are you familiar with this? – Employees don’t quit their job, they quit their managers.   Managers take the responsibility to create a culture where employees can help foster friendships and build an effective team. The work environment would be

Motivation Positive Self Help


Productivity at Work wins the Game but Happiness at Work wins the Championship. This is enormously true today – in these critical times of pandemic – while most of the people are working from home! The most significant component of

Industrial Technology

The Psychological Effects of Automation: Job security and Mental Health 

Have you ever felt inadequate or less valuable in your workspace, especially with the increasing presence of automation? Have you found yourself thinking that you need to improve or adapt to keep up with the machines? As automation comes to


The Art of Slow Living: Finding Balance in a Fast-Paced World

In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone is looking towards upgrading their life, the idea of slowing down seems very counterintuitive. Productivity and relentless self-promotion has been so glorified that people have forgotten to live in the moment and enjoy little

Awareness Positive

Wellness in 2025

Sparkle and magic all around is – it is the holiday season! Everyone looks forward to this time of the year, as it means celebrating with loved ones, sharing laughter and making memories. However, it is also the most stressful