Search Results for : boundaries

Illness V/S Disease

Illness vs Disease. These two words are commonly used interchangeably in medicine and in common language too. The similarities make them interchangeable and the difference between the two is what makes the field of psychosomatics come alive. An illness is


What does it mean to have healthy self-esteem

“Believe in yourself” This is a message we encounter constantly, on Instagram posts, books, advertisements, TV shows, and fables – all around us. We keep hearing that believing in ourselves and having high self-esteem is important for success, relationships, happiness


A Psychological Perspective on Peace: Understanding Aggression

Give peace in our time, O Lord.(The Book of Common Prayer 1662: Morning Prayer) While the cry for peace rings across the world, every day brings reports of aggression and violence, perpetrated by men on fellow men. There are portrayals


The Healing Power of a Good Listener

One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say. Bryant H McGill A counselor, listening intently is the first step towards understanding, assessing and guiding the client. They know that listening is