Search Results for : boundaries

Culture and Counselling

“If we are going to live with our deepest differences then we must learn about one another.”― Deborah J. Levine In a country like India where culture ethnicity is essence of society, we interact with people from varying background coming


The Era of Online dating and Ghosting

If you’ve ever had a close connect with a person and when you least expected it, they disappeared leaving you no clues of understanding why they left or their whereabouts – you have experienced ghosting before. Ghosting refers to when

Social Technology

From Pixels to Possibilities: Why do we play games?

Ever wondered what makes people tap their screens repeatedly and glued to their screens, during commute or when they are bored? It is most probably the games they have been playing! Gaming has become an ubiquitous part of our contemporary


Perceiving Societal Pressure To Be Happy Is Linked To Poor Well-Being, Especially In Happy Nations

Societies value happiness and want their members to enjoy it. While this commitment from society sounds admirable, placing too much emphasis on positivity (as opposed to negativity) could lead to an unachievable emotional norm that paradoxically jeopardizes personal well-being. The


Helicopter V/S Free Range Parenting:  Psychological Effect On Child Development  

The style of parenting has a huge influence on emotional, social, and psychological development. It plays a role in forming self-confidence, successful decision-making abilities, and coping skills in their lives. Among the many parenting styles, helicopter parenting and free range parenting stand


The Unseen Burden of Being the “Therapist Friend” 

We all know that one person in the friend group who always seems to have the right thing to say, who listens without passing judgment, and who is always willing to assist. This individual, who is frequently referred to as


Why Some Parents Fear Their Children: The Psychology of Child-to-Parent Abuse

A violent or abusive child can have a significant influence on the entire family. But what causes child-parent abuse (CPA), and how can you overcome it? Every family goes through rocky patches, and it’s natural to feel challenged by your


Millennials Aspire For Much More than Love & Stability in Their Relationship

Relationships have gone through a tremendous makeover in the last few decades. Millennials are facing challenges in their relationships that never existed before. As Esther Perel, a psychotherapist and an expert on relationships says, “Never have we invested more in


How to Recognize and Respond to Manipulation

In social psychology, There are eleven main types of influence: persuasion, self-promotion, suggestion, infection, imitation, affection, request, coercion, criticism, ignoring, and manipulation. Manipulation is a hidden Emotional influence by one person on another. It is closely related and opposite to


7 Key Aspects of a Tech Detox Rehab Program

One of the significant downsides of excessive technology use is how easily time slips away without you even realizing it. For example, you may endlessly scroll through social media, binge-watch content, or constantly check notifications—only to realize you’ve lost hours.