Search Results for : aggression

ADHD and Need for Rehabilitation

It is one of the common complaints of many parents that their child is not doing well in the studies, teachers consider their child as a slow learner, they have a reluctant handwriting which is too difficult to understand, at


Emotional Intelligence: Improve the Quality of Daily Life

The term Emotional Intelligence which was initially was coined by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer refers “to a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among



A 32-year-old man, is already 30 minutes late for his meeting because of getting stuck in heavy traffic jam. A person named Raj is driving another car behind him keeps honking and tells him to keep moving. Suddenly he gets


Social Media Addiction: The silent epidemic conquering the world

The common scene everyone witnesses while they are in a public place, travelling, at social gatherings and even in closed door meetings everyone around us is glued to their mobile smart phones. You can witness this everywhere, even in your


The Rainbows In Life

The Human eye is capable of seeing the beauty of the universe in at least 7,000,000 colours, recognise it’s loved ones and much more.  This sensory marvel makes our lives way more interesting and fascinating. The colours we see contain