Search Results for : aggression
Awareness Social


I remember watching a video, where a girl is dressed up to make sure she appears like and a boy is dressed up like a girl in his outward looks for the study purposes.  Participants in the study were made

Awareness Education

Exploring the propaganda: Men aren’t from Mars and Women aren’t from Venus

“When men ask me how I know so much about men, they get a simple answer: everything I know about men, I learned from me.”                              

Self Help

Anger Inoculation

Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, or the right purpose, and in a right way- it is not easy: Aristotle Let’s face it,

Awareness Crime

Psychological Perspective on Sexual Coercion and Rape

Whenever we hear about sexual assault or rape in the news or social media, we form an image of sexual abuse as a forced, aggressive and cruel act of raping someone. However, that is not always the case. It is


Domestic violence and its far-reaching impact and influence

Whether talked about or not, domestic violence is prevalent in a lot of households. In some households, it may manifest in a subtle way whereas in a few it might take more radical forms. Whether it takes place in a


Bollywood- A Real World for the Youth?

What appears fascinating to us is a preplanned scripted life, We are putting at risk is a life we ought to live! Most choose the former and fall prey. Bollywood– a dream industry for everyone. Even the youngest fascinate to


What effect do Home Atmosphere and Childrearing practices have on the Nursery-school Child’s Personality?

As the child grows and makes further advances in ability and understanding, his interactions with his parents more extensive, more complex, and subtler. By the time the child is in nursery school, parental handling of specific needs such as hunger


Need of psychological services to deal with the rape crisis in India

Rape is not a women’s problem But a men’s issue and it should be dealt with. The prevalence of headlines recording hundreds of rape cases across the country every single day, makes it redundant to mention statistics in order to


Teen suicides: an overview of a rising crisis in India

Teenage is a time of chaos that arises from the discipline of childhood and matures into the order of adulthood. This metamorphosis is as intimidating and turbulent as finding yourself transformed into a cockroach in your bed. Among these natural