Search Results for : aggression

How lock-down led to increase in domestic violence in India?

Indian society, an epitome of patriarchy, has often given men the power to abuse women in order to gratify their own tendencies of being violent and the lockdown has further enhanced their potential. With a reported increase of 21% in

Crime Education

How Superstition-motivated upbringing and Gender-anxiety shaped Gandhi’s Assassin

Godse’s first name – ‘Nathuram’ was not a common one. “Nath” (pronounced as N-uh-th) is an ornate semicircular nosepiece – an important component of traditional Indian female jewelry. Epidemics, Droughts, and Manmade Famines prevailed in the Indian subcontinent in the

Awareness Health Research Social

A look upon games being an addiction

Behavioural addiction / process addiction/ natural reward refers to different mental health conditions in which a person engages in a particular behaviour repeatedly; even if the behaviour causes them harm—it may seem as if they simply cannot resist engaging in

Awareness Motivation

Psychological Grim Realities of Happiness: The Negativity Surrounding the Positivity

Psychological Grim Realities of Happiness: The Negativity Surrounding the Positivity   “Happiness” – undoubtedly the most desired feeling of this world that is why it was always an area of interest by psychologists.  Recently it has been pointed out by

Awareness Relationship


Parents are considered to be the first interaction that an infant has in his life and considering that they are also initial caregivers to the child, the child will look up to his/her parents and will try to imitate their


What steps are needed towards understanding and managing mental health of women with menopause during Covid-19?

Coronavirus pandemic, by no surprise, is pervasive and most likely to entrench in our society. A study by Weber in May 2020 revealed that women are struggling the most with mental health issues this lockdown and are experiencing increased rate

Awareness Parenting

How raising a challenging child can be easier?

Nobody told you parenting is hard work. Correction – it’s very hard work. Nobody told you it’s going to suck the life out of you. Nobody told you kids aren’t angels. Twitter and Instagram only showed you the good side,

Awareness Education

Who is a psychopath and why should we magnify on the concept of psychopathy?

What notions do we have of a psychopath? They live in abandoned houses, living in a place that is dark, lonely and eerie. This is the most common stereotype regarding psychopaths that they have a dark personality, they look creepy

Crime Research

Oh Criminal! What you do think?

There is always this strange question that keeps running in our minds – Why can’t we live in a world with no crime at all? Or why does anyone chooses to become a criminal in the first place? There are


Psychological First Aid – An Immediate Assistance for Trauma Victims

Traumas can happen anytime, ranging from natural disasters to tragedies and terrorism. And the worst part is that India has been witnessing many traumatic events since few years such as Kerala floods, Vizag gas tragedy that has occurred recently, and