Search Results for : addiction

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION Vulnerability, early symptoms and self management

After this, identify the activities or hobbies which have been the source of entertainment, were pleasurable in the past and connect to the real-time social groups in which you can actively participate. List out all your friends whom you can


Effect of Video Game Addiction

Mr. B and his wife came along with his son Mr. R, aged 14yrs, a student of 11th std with the chief complaints that their son had been playing video games on the mobile phone and getting adamant, irritated, tensed,


Dating app addiction induces techie to seek help from NIMHANS

People often use apps as coping mechanism to deal with boredom or seek thrill which eventually becomes a recurrent activity with loss of control over lifestyle and disturbance at work, in accord with this a case was witnessed in which


Social Media Addiction: The silent epidemic conquering the world

The common scene everyone witnesses while they are in a public place, travelling, at social gatherings and even in closed door meetings everyone around us is glued to their mobile smart phones. You can witness this everywhere, even in your


Secrets of Addiction

In August 2014 I conducted a seminar on Alcohol and Drug Addiction in Govt. Sec. School in Punjab. It was a good seminar because the students of the school actively participated in the seminar. In a seminar, one of the


Over-Exercising and Mental Health

Exercising is often commended for the benefits it gives to both the body and the mind. It helps to maintain a healthy weight as well as lowers the risk of many chronic diseases. In addition, it improves mood and increases


Productivity Apps: Improve mental well-being or create stress?

Productivity apps have undoubtedly changed the way people work, how they manage tasks and have implications for productivity itself. These apps have transformed how people organise and manage their tasks, influencing habit formation as well as monitoring habits as they

Education News

NIMHANS M.Phil Clinical Psychology Admission 2025-26

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) offers well recognized two years full time M.Phil in psychology which is RCI approved. It offers a full-fledged training with regards to the psychological testing diagnosis and treatment of the mental


CBT for Treating GAD among School Children/Adolescents

Mental Health includes Emotional, Psychological and Social well-being. Any individual can suffer from mental health problems irrespective of their age and gender. It is imperative to take care of our mental health and people must agree to the fact that


The Era of Online dating and Ghosting

If you’ve ever had a close connect with a person and when you least expected it, they disappeared leaving you no clues of understanding why they left or their whereabouts – you have experienced ghosting before. Ghosting refers to when