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Health News

49th National Annual Conference of NACIACP

Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods to help people change their behavior, increase their happiness and overcome problems. It is a very fast-growing practice in the field of mental health in India and is expanding. There have been many


Mediated Reality Impact of the Virtual World

In his book The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxely opened himself to the wonderful and reorienting experience of taking mescaline. His description of the ‘trip’ and the resulting investigation into art and human life makes him question the primacy of


Counselling in Schools: Who? What? Why?

A student from Grade 2 is observed to be sitting alone during lunchtime by a compassionate teacher, the fifth day in a row. When she addresses this young boy, he starts crying and shares that all his classmates tease him.


Mindfulness and Resilience

The words “mindfulness” and “(tranquillity) meditation” are often used interchangeably. In essence, tranquillity meditation means “focusing continuously on the body,” i.e., not pursuing our usual thoughts and not relating to the external world. It primarily emphasizes sustained attention to the


The Toll of Online Connectivity

Have you been feeling irritated about being unable to keep your hands off the smartphone and computer? Or from being seen online and having to interact on social media platforms? The irritation may be owing to the fact that the

Positive Travel

Travel Psychologist Perspective: How not been able to travel in affecting our mental wellbeing as travel escapist

The pandemic is going to fade slowly, with after effects, a lot of which will be psychological,This subject of Travel Psychology inquests about the relevance of embracing a multidisciplinary sight to enhance understanding of travel. This industry focuses on embodied

Awareness Technology

On Building Smart Culture for Using Smart Phone

It is “easier said than done” to reduce screen time. Implementation fails. Reason? The person, who wants to reduce screen time, does not know how to reduce it.Parents want to regulate and discipline the smart phone use of children. So


Fear of Missing Out

Imagine it is December 31st. Everyone is excited and happy for the New Year’s Party. Your colleagues are discussing their exciting plans; your best friend texts you to ask if you are ready for the party at the most happening

Health News Social

Some Bollywood Film Stories Based on Mental Health

October 10th, it’s a day to spread awareness of mental health issues and problems and make efforts to give and get support for mental health. It’s also known as World Mental Health Day. It is possible that our efforts to

Awareness Health Positive

Know About the Types of Therapies: A Way to Get a Better Well Being

People seek therapies for various reasons. These include current circumstances, long-standing problems, and chronic problems, to search for personal growth and happiness, and also to get an insight in their life. Psychological treatment aims at reducing abnormal behavior by psychological