Search Results for : Trauma
Health News

The dearth of proper mental health centers in Kashmir is becoming a problem.

Long and back-to-back lockdowns, along with a scarcity of healthcare services, have exacerbated the issue. Since the beginning of 2019, hospitals in Kashmir have seen an influx of mental health condition cases. Patients’ suffering is exacerbated by a lack of

Awareness Social

Understanding Black Grief

Black Americans have a life expectancy of 78 years, which is 6 years less than white Americans. They are twice as likely as white Americans to die of heart disease, 50% more likely to have high blood pressure, and are

Awareness Health News

Domestic violence puts children’s mental health at risk

When your parents fight, it’s painful enough, but a new study suggests that trauma can increase your chances of depression and other mental health issues. More than 17,700 Canadian people took part in a national survey on mental health for

Awareness Health News

Children’s Mental health is at stake as HSE audits main focus on ADHD

Many children experience anxiety and worry from time to time, and as a result, they may act out in disruptive ways. Children without a mental disorder may perform differently than children with a recognised mental problem, and children with the

Awareness Education

Demonic Possession or Dissociative Identity Disorder

What if for all these years we have not been looking at the situation from the right angle? What If we got it all wrong? What if “demonic possession” or “oppression” or “cursed”- instead of having a paranormal explanation has


Shift to educational models that place a greater emphasis on students’ mental health rather than their grades.

In its annual report published in November 2021, the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) revealed an appalling statistic of thirty-one youngsters committing suicide per day in India in 2020. Between 2017 and 2019, nearly 24,000 youth aged 14 to 18 years


Mental Health in Youths from impoverished communities

Mental Health illnesses are a global phenomenon and the conditions are increasing worldwide. Due to demographic changes, there has been an increase of 13% in mental health conditions and substance abuse in the last decade. With 20% of global children


Life with Autism

Imagine a day in life when everything seems so hazy, meeting people becomesso weird that when they joke around you, and there are you, unable to make it out what itmeans and everything becomes so slow and dumb. Unfortunately, it



If you only set people in motion they’re going to heal themselves -Gabrielle Roth A study conducted by the Stress, Trauma, and Anxiety Research Clinic (STARC) based in Detroit, Michigan on exploring the dance and movement therapies to help address


PTSD and OCD as after effects of Covid

As it was predicted that Covid was going to have lasting effects on the mental health of the people who had suffered from it and various mental health problems were predicted from it. Cases of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and