Search Results for : Trauma

The Unrealistic Portrayal of Therapists and Mental Health in Tamil Movies

Dr. Mangala, Assistant Director at the Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF), couldn’t believe what she was hearing when a patient expressed their reluctance to continue their medication to treat bipolar disorder after watching the 2019 Tamil film Nerkonda Paarvai, in which

Awareness Health

What is Alcoholism? Effect and Treatment

Overview: Alcohol Use Disorder is classified as a disorder in which the individual’s in facing problems in controlling their drinking, they are filled with/ consumed with alcohol, or they are pursuing alcohol even when its consumption is causing issues. This

Awareness Health News

Psychedelics: Proved As a Mental Health Treatment

Mexican Psilocybe Cubensis is a psychedelic mushroom species that contains the active ingredients psilocybin and psilocin. The spores of an adult mushroom. the color combination of red and blue vertical placement. Since the 1960s, when they were utilized as a

Awareness Health

Personality Disorders: Comprehensive Analysis

Overview: Personality disorders are the result of mental illness that uniquely impacts personality traits, which leads the person to behave in bizarre and destructive ways and significantly disrupts that individual’s important areas of life. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical

Health News

Spotlight on Children’s Mental Health: A Free Online Course

The University of Essex in the UK is giving a series of free online courses to raise awareness about the challenges children encounter and to treat mental health issues in young adolescents. The series, titled “Why won’t they behave? Why

Awareness Health Social

Pandemic Brain Fog: Has The Pandemic Changed the Way Our Brain Functions?

We all have surely experienced the doorways effect at least once, where we enter a room and forget why we came there in the first place. Research has found it is an effect of overloaded working memory, or when our

Awareness Health

Bipolar Disorder: Mania & Hypomania

Bipolar disorder is classified as a mental health condition in which the person is experiencing manic and depressive episodes together. The oldest recognition of bipolar disorder was given in medical literature, at the time of Hippocrates (460-370 BC). Hippocrates was

Health News

Linking Mental Health with Blood Pressure Variability (BPV)

According to new research, both the heart and the mind are involved when patients suffer from mental illness. Our hearts’ ability to adjust to environmental stimuli is the connection between them. This connection is broken in patients with poor mental

Health News Research

Truth in Unreliable Memories: A Forensic Psychology study

When a violent occurrence is observed, our body reacts uniquely, cortisol, a stress hormone, rushes into our bloodstream, preparing us for a fight or flight response. Our focus also narrows in on the threat at hand, tunnelling our awareness down

Health News

Covid now harms mental health in several ways, ranging from anxiety to PTSD.

According to health specialists, the Covid-19 epidemic, which has been present for over two years, has begun to damage the mental health of not only people who have been affected but also those who have not been sick. Following the