Search Results for : Trauma
Crime News

The Tale of Drug Addicts Behind the Bars in Punjab

In spite of the stringent actions taken by government officials, the state of Punjab remains a slave to the menace of drug addiction. The easy availability of drugs accounts for most drug addiction-related deaths that continue to haunt the state.

Health News Social

What Mental Health Challenges Do Uniformed Forces Face?

People serving in any of the forces have a broad job description that extends from maintaining peace and order, protecting the borders, curbing riots and violence, fighting terrorism, bearing the brunt of administrative loopholes, and even working in the most

Education Health News

Imbalanced Learning and Punishment Can Be Cause Of OCD: Study

In a study conducted by the scientists of Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute International and Tamagawa University it was revealed that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) develops as a result of imbalanced learning between reinforcement and

Awareness Health Positive

What Is Dream Interpretation, And How to Know Our Inner Self?

What are Dream Interpretations?  Dream analysis is a type of technique in which the dream seen by a person is analyzed and interpreted and on the basis of the interpretation results one tries to find the underlying motives or symbolic representations.

Awareness Therapy

How Sound Therapy Helps to Maintain Mental Health and Wellness

People deal with stress and tension in different modalities as part and parcel of everyday life. Those under stress experience some level of anxiety, depression, fear, irritability, anger, and frustration. It also affects their cognitive functioning thereby causing difficulty in

Health News Social

Excessive Stress During Pregnancy Can Cause Miscarriage

Pregnancy is a period when a woman’s body not only witnesses physical change but a time when she also faces a truckload of emotions that affect her mental wellbeing. These constant changes contribute to her aggravated stress levels and as

Health News Social

Weak Memory Power Becomes a Big Problem in Daily Life, How to Fix It

Definition of Memory  Memory can be referred to as a psychological process that consists of acquiring, storing, and retaining information whenever needed. In memory, there are three main processes that are taking place simultaneously i.e; encoding, storage, and retrieval. According

Awareness Health

Let’s Know About the Psychosexual Stages of Development: Sigmund Freud

Freud was a practicing neurologist and he formulated his psychosexual theory of development which was based on his analysis of the emotionally disturbed patient’s life histories. Freud had a great interest in dream analysis, hypnosis, and free association as this

Health News

Why Emotional Care During Childhood Is Important for Mental Health

The early childhood period is considered to be the foundation of human life as the early years may provide a lifelong impact on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. If a child was well satisfied in all aspects, then heshe may

Motivation Self Help

Unpacking the insights of a prisoned life: A psychological interpretation

I walked a mile with Pleasure; she chatted all the way; but left me none the wiser, for all she had to say, I walked a mile with Sorrow, And ne’er a word said she; but oh! The things I