Search Results for : stress
Awareness Social

Psychological Aspect of COVID 19 Outbreak

Today the whole world is fighting a battle against a small bug, which is the Coronavirus. Although the Outbreak started in the Wuhan of China, it was, later on, declared as a Pandemic by the World Health Organization. According to


CoVID-19: Causes of Chaos

‘To the rest of the world, you don’t know what’s coming’, These are the words of an Italian citizen Jason Yanowitz. Jason in his tweet threads has listed six stages of the pandemic which engulfed Italy. His tweet has been


Grief And Anxiety In Times Of Covid-19

Where we are right now is a waiting room of some kind…with the lockdown and isolation that we are going through in the wake of the COVID-19, we are experiencing the loss of an old life, however, we are not


Effect of lockdown on mental health in Afghanistan

Coronavirus for the world is a disaster but for Afghans its not something new we have suffered from different kind of evils from four decades whether its civil war, poverty, loss of family members in the bomb blast, migration, injustice



I opened my desktop to completely new wallpaper for after a month or more. And I see a beautiful landscape, hills and trees during the sunrise. And apparently it made sense to see that during this tense phase of COVID

Self Help

Isolation or I have Solution

All the countrymen are following the lock-down with a view to preventing corona infection and preventing it to a certain level. Due to this type of lock-down, we are imprisoned in homes. All external activities have stopped in a way.



A psychological perspective on the impact of social distancing and the ways to cope with it This article is being written to address the current situation across the globe regarding social distancing due to the ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’. It has almost


Bollywood- A Real World for the Youth?

What appears fascinating to us is a preplanned scripted life, We are putting at risk is a life we ought to live! Most choose the former and fall prey. Bollywood– a dream industry for everyone. Even the youngest fascinate to

Awareness Motivation Self Help

Perspectives On Staying Indoors

On 24th March, 2020, the Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi announced a national lockdown of 21 days in order to control the ongoing pandemic, COVID-19. Since the lockdown, many lives have taken an unexpected turn. Although everyone has


An exclusive interview with Dr R.K. Chadda

Educational Qualifications: MBBS (Dec 1980) – Medical College, Rohtak M.D. (May 1985) – Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh MAMS (1998) – National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) Diplomat (2007) – International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling & Psychotherapy