Search Results for : stress

Why There Is Romanticizing of Mental Disorders?

People have misunderstood and greatly stigmatised mental illnesses for a very long time. People have had mental health issues for long but awareness about the same has always been very superficial. In the beginning, it was the lack of recognition of the symptoms, and then the notion that it’s not normal. This


Interpersonal Relationships: Is Knowledge A Curse?

‘Curse of knowledge’, a phenomenon in which the assumption is that, others would also know something that we know, which is one out of the ordinary mistaken assumptions that are not generally talked about but can be observed in the

Awareness Health

Psychology: A Study of Mind and Behaviour?

Study of mind and behaviour? Sounds interesting in itself, doesn’t it? Matthew Smith from Biomedical Engineering and Byron Yu along with former PhD student Ben Cowley recently researched on ‘How brain’s internal states affect decision making?’. Internal state is a

Awareness Crime Health

TRAUMA : How it affects our Mind?

Questions which cross our mind when we talk about Trauma involve, What is Trauma? What can a traumatic event do to the victim? How does it affect the victim’s life? What are its symptoms? And how to recover from it?


What could possibly be the Impact and Benefits of Mindfulness on Anxiety and Daily life?

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”                                          


What steps are needed towards understanding and managing mental health of women with menopause during Covid-19?

Coronavirus pandemic, by no surprise, is pervasive and most likely to entrench in our society. A study by Weber in May 2020 revealed that women are struggling the most with mental health issues this lockdown and are experiencing increased rate


How much is too much when it comes to Social Media?

This question can have multiple answers at the same time, the answers can go in various directions because there are so many things when we talk about social media. It has become a common source of extracting information, for entertainment

Awareness Relationship Self Help

What kind of negative impact can toxic relationships have on our lives?

Throughout our lives, we encounter different kinds of people and form different bonds and relationships with them be it friendship, rivalry or romantic relationship. Social interaction for human being is an essential part of life, it not only helps us

Awareness Health Therapy

How can Counselling help in Healthcare?

How does one feel that he has been diagnosed with a disease or a disorder? How the family would feel? Have you ever experienced or witnessed someone close to you being diagnosed with a problem? The feelings and emotions that

Health Relationship Self Help

What are the Effects of Parents’ Divorce on Children?

Getting divorced is a difficult process not only for the couple but also for their children. Divorce creates an emotional turmoil for the family which they go through and it can be very confusing, scaring and draining for the kids.