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Self Help

“It’s All About ME!” or “Me, Myself and I”

“A Narcissist enjoys being looked at and not looking back.” The Narcissist Test: Step 1: Take a moment to think about yourself. Step 2: If you made it to Step 2, you are not a Narcissist! In Greek Mythology, Narcissus


What children feel when witnessing domestic violence?

Witnessing domestic violence can have a tremendous negative impact on the emotional well-being of children. Domestic violence causes immense psychological and emotional trauma in children. It creates a hostile environment that is unpredictable and is full of fear and anxiety.


The art of Self – Reflection

The art of Self – Reflection Self-reflection can simply be understood as a mirror image of oneself. This image is not what is perceived by others but rather perceived by our own selves. It is simply a moment where we

Self Help

“Keep Calm & Don’t Explode” or “Walking Time Bomb”

According to DSM V, Intermittent Explosive Disorder or IED is a recurrent behavioral outbursts that represents a failure to control aggressive impulses. In simple terms, a person with IED can’t control his anger and will impulsively explode into rage with

Awareness Relationship Self Help Social

Is Being Single Stressful?

It is important to simply and clarify the misconceptions in people’s mind spread by toxic content, thinking being single a ‘negative’ and committed a ‘positive’ thing. I would like to put forth the facts and advantages of being a self-reliant