Search Results for : relationship

Dating app addiction induces techie to seek help from NIMHANS

People often use apps as coping mechanism to deal with boredom or seek thrill which eventually becomes a recurrent activity with loss of control over lifestyle and disturbance at work, in accord with this a case was witnessed in which


Self-Love – The Greatest Love of All

Self-Love shapes the establishment of your single, most imperative relationship that with yourself. The quality of all your different connections is actually equivalent to the quality of that establishment. To cherish yourself isn’t only a confidence boosting suggestion. It is


Understand peer pressure: Inculcate good habits

The peers usually refer to the group of people whom we share similar likes, dislikes and interests. It can be any group like a group of students at school, college, and university or at a coaching institute. We spend quality

Awareness Health


Mobile phones and depression have a great connect. Many people are unable to understand the co-relation between the two but if you observe, you will realize how dangerous an impact the over usage of mobile phones can cause to your

Awareness Education

Positive Psychology Can change your life !

Follow the given link to watch this video – The beginning of the 21 st century brought the rise of a very different field of psychology. As opposed to other fields of psychology, rather than fixing what is wrong,



When the world goes silent You hear them at the back of your head The incessant noise You try closing the tap, but all goes vain The overflowing water You assume it’s not an issue Until your storage goes empty


Positive Psychology Creating possibilities – A perspective !

Psychology as a profession helps in changing one’s outlook to view everyday life situations in a better and more understandable manner. Psychology allows us to deal with situations, deal with self and others, build relationships and develop skills by conscious


Gopa Bhardwaj: An Exclusive Interview

Complete interview published in Psychologs Magazine January 2019 issue. Educational qualifications: M.A., M.Sc., Ph DScholarships and Achievements: BHU Gold Medal, UGC Research Fellowship, Commonwealth Scholarship & Life Time Achievement awards from NIPM and BHUPublications: 77 papers in National and international



In today’s world, pursuing perfectionism is everyone’s point of attention and in this fast pace of change, achieving perfectionism and being the best is a major concern to keep a strong stand in this competitive world, the adolescents are majorly


The Third Largest Mental Health Care Problem: Social Anxiety

Are you very self-conscious in every day social situations? Are very afraid of being embarrassed in front of other people? Are you extremely afraid of being judged by others? Do you avoid meeting new people? Find it scary and difficult