Search Results for : depression
Self Help

Emotional Isolation: The New Sense of Being

Emotional Isolation: The New Sense of Being If you were to close your eyes and think of a few people who really,’ understand you’; chances are that only a few lucky ones would be able to think of one or

Awareness Relationship

How Relationship between Siblings play a significant role in Child Development?

Siblings can be the most infuriating people on the planet or can be the most loyal and closest person you could have by your side, there’s no in-between. They play an integral role in each other’s life ranging from being

Health Positive

Positive health behaviors

Did you know that having and practicing healthy behaviors can really keep you away from many illnesses? It is no brainer; It is something that we might already know, but still we choose to stick to our not so healthy

Awareness Entertain Self Help

The Melancholy of Social Media

You open your phone, you choose the poison of your choice and you like, update, share, subscribe, scroll into this deep abyss of extremes where your every feeling was been worded by a broken hearted writer, every side of your

Awareness Relationship

Nurturing Relationships:-

In this age of information and technology where communication is at the peak of its performance, the one thing which has suffered badly is relationships. With stressful life both at work and home, couple are slowly distancing away from the

Awareness Health


Mobile phones and depression have a great connect. Many people are unable to understand the co-relation between the two but if you observe, you will realize how dangerous an impact the over usage of mobile phones can cause to your

Awareness Motivation Self Help


All alone in the darkness you walk There’s somebody you need to talk There’s someone ready out there to pull you out There’s somebody ready out there to kick the emptiness out There’s somebody who’s waiting at home That somebody

Awareness Education Self Help

SUICIDE : What are the reasons behind it?

Follow the given link to watch this video – Introduction: Out of the global suicide numbers, 17% are Indian students. These numbers are increasing every day. Though poor mental health is the major reason for suicides, it is still not


Food for good mental health

The human mind is perhaps one of the most complex organ of the entire body. It is also a fact human minds gets easily affected by virtually anything around us. Our diet, sleep, environment and physical activities are some of