Search Results for : anxiety
Health News

Covid now harms mental health in several ways, ranging from anxiety to PTSD.

According to health specialists, the Covid-19 epidemic, which has been present for over two years, has begun to damage the mental health of not only people who have been affected but also those who have not been sick. Following the


Is texting causing you anxiety?

We probably can’t imagine living without our phones in today’s technologically sophisticated world, and life has gotten much simpler thanks to the plethora of applications and social media that allow us to stay in touch with family and friends while

Awareness Education Health

Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety

Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety   A healthy body and mind are worth a million dollars. Keep fit, move as much as you can, and get the most of your life. One needs to take good care of oneself

Awareness Health

Social Anxiety Disorder

There are certain instances in life which bring about a major personality change in a person. These instances can make a person anxious especially in social situations or in interaction with people. It is this feeling of extreme anxiety in

Crime Education

How Superstition-motivated upbringing and Gender-anxiety shaped Gandhi’s Assassin

Godse’s first name – ‘Nathuram’ was not a common one. “Nath” (pronounced as N-uh-th) is an ornate semicircular nosepiece – an important component of traditional Indian female jewelry. Epidemics, Droughts, and Manmade Famines prevailed in the Indian subcontinent in the


Separation Anxiety Disorder

My mother always shares a childhood vignette with me at the time when I first went to school. She shared that I did not cry at all when they took me to school on the first day or for that

Awareness Health Social

What Is To Be Kept In Mind While Talking With Someone Who Is Suffering From Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response to some stressor or distressing situation. Anxiety can be defined as ”An unpleasant feeling of distress, fear, tension and worry which results in bodily changes and lead to body arousal which means an increase in


What could possibly be the Impact and Benefits of Mindfulness on Anxiety and Daily life?

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”                                          

Awareness Health

What is it about Anxiety that people think negative?

Ever read the story “the boy who cried wolf”? Many of you might have. So, what does that have to do with anxiety? Let me tell you. A very common symptom of anxiety is rapid incident of sudden increase in


Role of parenting in Childhood Anxiety

“Why have you not finished your breakfast yet?” asked Shobha irritably to her 7-year-old daughter, Keya. The kid had her online classes scheduled in the next 15 minutes and Shobha was after the kid to get ready. “Mom, I told