Search Results for : anxiety
Health News

The debunking of exam anxiety via Pariksha Pe Charcha

In today’s article, we will discuss the three P’s of the Exam Cycle viz., Pariksha Pe Charcha, Procrastination, and Pomodoro Technique. The board examinations of grade 10 and 12 conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is just

Education Health

Mindfulness Proved More Efficient Than Anxiety Medication: Study

People may face a general fear of dogs, insects, interviews, etc. However, if this fear is overwhelming to an extent that it hampers our day-to-day life causing serious problems in our social interactions and physical health then it can be

Awareness News

Diabetes Can Cause Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep Disturbance

Diabetes, a chronic metabolic condition can often lead to anxiety and depression symptoms in a number of individuals. The quality of sleep and stress levels also bear significant impact as a result of the condition. Several lifestyle-related risk factors including

Awareness Positive

Food that Helps to Fight Anxiety

Anxiety is a problem faced by many people today. It is one of the major mental illnesses affecting nearly 20% of the world’s population. The person is characterized by constant worry and nervousness which is sometimes related to poor brain

Awareness News Social

Anxiety Disorders and Other Mental Issues Resulting from Academic Pressure.

Academic pressure on adolescents has reached acute levels. The stress of admission into the desired college, getting good grades, and landing the best internships and placements, has taken a big toll on adolescents mental health. Academic success often comes at


Social Anxiety Disorder: Types, Contributing Factors and Treatment Methods

Social anxiety disorder also known as social phobia is a mental disorder in which a person has a fear of one or more specific social situations. The person thinks that other people will be examining him/her and evaluate his actions

News Positive Social

Ayurvedic Herbs Are Effective in Treating Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are generally considered common and serious mental disorders. These well-known psychiatric disorders have been increasing as years passed by. Since various side effects are faced by using western medicine, people show their interest in using Ayurveda medicines

Health News

How to differentiate between anxiety and depression can we understand our emotions?

Depression and anxiety are generally known as common mental disorders. People are generally confused that both depression and anxiety are similar, as it shares some symptoms same. But mental health professionals clearly say “It is not true, Depression and anxiety

Health News

How Postpartum Anxiety Can Be Cured Without Medicine, Follow This Method

Postpartum anxiety, as well as depression, can be commonly seen today in young parents. Unable to deal with the challenges of the new parental life, postpartum anxiety occurs which could be followed by depression; and with this comes its treatment.

Awareness Health

What is the Difference Between Panic & Anxiety?

There are times when “panic attack” and “anxiety attack” are used interchangeably as they have similar signs and symptoms, although, in clinical settings, anxiety and panic are two different disorders with their own specifications for diagnosis by mental health professionals.