Search Results for : anxiety

The Sleep Anxiety Spiral: Why Worrying About Sleep Makes It Worse

In our day-to-day life, we often talk about productivity and hard work. Among the chaos, the necessary thing is ignored i.e. sleep. Biologically speaking, sleep is essential for various bodily functions, such as cell repair, improved digestion, and maintaining immunity,


The Best Strategies for Managing Anxiety in Daily Life

Anxiety is not a novel entity; it is something almost everybody goes through at one phase of life or another. Though the feelings of anxiety are quite normal, too much anxiety can make living a normal life difficult and create


How can I Deal with Workplace Anxiety?

Anxiety is a strong and persistent future-oriented fear that is triggered by the presence of a specific stimulus – entity or situation. Workplace anxiety can stem from various situations like performance activities – delivering presentations or job interviews to non-performance

Life Style

Indian Philosophical Perspectives on Anxiety and Fear

Anxiety and fear are those human emotions that are deeply embedded in the fabric of human nature. We constantly feel them in our everyday lives. Before we dive into the ancient Indian perspective on anxiety and fear, let us first

Self Help

Feeling Nervous in Crowds? Here’s How to Beat Social Anxiety

People often feel nervous or self-conscious in social situations like when they give a speech or appear in an interview for a new job. Many individuals can assume that this means they have social anxiety. However social anxiety goes beyond


New Research Tests Psychedelics as a Treatment for Anxiety and Depression

A new research led by Dr. Vidita A. Vaidya of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai in collaboration with Cornell, Yale, and Columbia universities. It shows how psychedelics can be a potential treatment for anxiety and depression.

Awareness Health

Understanding Eco-Anxiety in Youth

In the current scenario of the world, where climate change continues at alarming levels. It is not surprising that youth are experiencing a new phenomenon: eco-anxiety. Eco-anxiety, also known as climate anxiety, describes how individuals emotionally respond to stress, worry,

Self Help

The Potential of Biofeedback in Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is something that everyone experiences at one time or another in their lives. It develops from major life changes, daily pressures, or even for no good reason. For most people, anxiety can be normal, but for others, it heightens


Calm Your Nerves: Dietary Changes for Reducing Anxiety

Anxious about your upcoming exams? Oh, that’s fine. You’ll do well. Is your mother sick? So you’re afraid something might happen to her? Don’t worry. Things will get better. Worried that you might be late for your first interview if


Eco-Anxiety: Effective Ways to Cope with Environmental Grief

Coping mechanisms are strategies that individuals often use to deal with stressful situations and unpleasant emotions. They may be conscious or unconscious. Some individuals may confuse coping mechanisms with defense mechanisms. The two are, however, different concepts. Defense mechanisms are