Search Results for : anxiety
Awareness Health Parenting

What Can Be The Impact Of Child Abuse On The Mental Health Of The Child?

Child abuse is when a parent or guardian, regardless of whether through activity or neglecting to act, causes injury, death , emotional  damage or danger to a child. There are numerous types of child abuse, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual

Awareness Motivation Positive Self Help

How Do I Enhance My Feeling Of Self-Worth?

Human beings are the sole living organisms in the world that live with some purpose or have a goal in life apart from just living and surviving. Almost all human beings hope to fulfil their wishes and goals till they

Awareness Education Research

Is It Important to Demystify Myths About Psychology?

Psychology is a relatively new field in the realm of the sciences, only about 140 years old. It’s not that no one thought about why people and animals do the things they do it just earlier, people like philosophers, medical

Awareness Education Health

What Are Eating disorders?

Eating disorders are illnesses in which individuals experience disturbances influencing their eating practices and related musings and feelings. Individuals with dietary issues ordinarily become pre-busy with food and their body weight. Much of the time, eating disorders happen along with

Awareness Health

What Is The Psychology Behind Phobias?

Kanika is so scared of lizards that she suffered drastically because of it. She is so afraid of them that whenever she sees one, she starts shouting in fear and runs from the place in no time and because of

Awareness Relationship


Parents are considered to be the first interaction that an infant has in his life and considering that they are also initial caregivers to the child, the child will look up to his/her parents and will try to imitate their

Awareness Self Help

Why Do We Listen To Sad Music When We Are Hurting?

Music has often been referred to as the “language of the soul” and a “universal language” which is extremely appropriate to its function. It goes beyond traditional barriers to unite people and find relatedness even in diversity, which explains why

Awareness Motivation Research Social

What Is Vague Booking Through The Lens Of EEG?

The contemporary era of the Post-Millennial generation focuses on the use of social media that dominates this framework, where the unprecedented clutch of this effervescent trend is being constantly endorsed through several means. The phenomenon of vague booking is not

Awareness Health Positive Self Help

How To Identify And Fight Depression?

Depression is something that people don’t feel comfortable discussing openly, unlike any other problem. Have you ever wondered why do people try to hide their emotions? Or why exactly do people not talk about problems like mental illness? What makes

Awareness Self Help Technology

Why Is It Important To Do A Digital Detox Right Now?

With lockdown restrictions in place, it is no surprise that people are dependent on social media to stay connected with friends and family. Even while working from home, being around gadgets to get things done has become a necessity. Many