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Indian Women at Risk of Drug Addiction: Research

Drug and substance abuse continues to be a problem in most developed and developing countries around the world. According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime’s 2021 forecast, there will be an almost 11% increase in drug users

Health News Research

Research: Nighttime Smartphone Use Does Major Effects On Young Adults’ Mental Health

Mental health issues are well-acknowledged as a primary cause of disease, and a significant number of adults suffer from them. In many Western nations, there has been an upsurge in poor mental health, particularly among young adults, in recent decades.

Awareness Health

Personality Disorders: Comprehensive Analysis

Overview: Personality disorders are the result of mental illness that uniquely impacts personality traits, which leads the person to behave in bizarre and destructive ways and significantly disrupts that individual’s important areas of life. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical

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Risk of Early Dementia with Mental Disorders

According to a study sponsored in part by NIA and published in JAMA Psychiatry, mental illnesses early in life increase the risk of dementia and dementia occurring at a younger age. Researchers looked at the health records of 1.7 million

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Tele counselling helped many clients to step toward mental health

Shailaja, a Surat resident, contacted a Mumbai-based psychiatrist for an online appointment in April 2021, seeking relief from periodic sobbing bouts and the poor mood she had been experiencing for the previous ten years. Because of the stigma associated with

Awareness Health

Bipolar Disorder: Mania & Hypomania

Bipolar disorder is classified as a mental health condition in which the person is experiencing manic and depressive episodes together. The oldest recognition of bipolar disorder was given in medical literature, at the time of Hippocrates (460-370 BC). Hippocrates was

Awareness Health News

Beware to few metal health “Mobile Apps” it compromise your privacy: Mozilla

According to a new study by Mozilla researchers, mental health applications have lower privacy protections for users than most other types of apps. The study discovered that prayer apps had low privacy requirements as well. The Firefox browser maker explored

Health News

Let’s Consider the Mental Health of Mothers

Who else could shelter a baby for 9 months if superpowers had a face? That’s something only ladies can accomplish, and it’s something only superheroes can do. If you’re a mother who never settles for less, whether at work or

Health News

The dearth of proper mental health centers in Kashmir is becoming a problem.

Long and back-to-back lockdowns, along with a scarcity of healthcare services, have exacerbated the issue. Since the beginning of 2019, hospitals in Kashmir have seen an influx of mental health condition cases. Patients’ suffering is exacerbated by a lack of

Awareness Social

Understanding Black Grief

Black Americans have a life expectancy of 78 years, which is 6 years less than white Americans. They are twice as likely as white Americans to die of heart disease, 50% more likely to have high blood pressure, and are