Reframing Negative Thoughts for a Positive Life

Reframing Negative Thoughts for a Positive Life


Anyone can think negatively when they have very difficult problems to face, but there is a fundamental question: Why do you see this problem as so difficult? Why do you choose to see these situations in this way? You could choose to see there is a way out, but you only think about the problem. Among all the advice we receive from family, teachers, mentors, or well-wishers, one common suggestion is to think positively or change our perspective, regardless of the situation. Even in moments of sadness, confusion, or indecision – when symptoms of depression, anxiety, or anger are at their worst – we are often encouraged to make optimistic assumptions instead of assuming negative thoughts.

Do you know why? Well! There is a reason behind this—many of our problems stem from faulty ways of thinking about ourselves and the world around us. But before diving deeper into the topic, let’s first understand what cognitive distortion is.

Cognitive restructuring, or cognitive reframing, is a therapeutic process that helps the client discover, challenge, and modify or replace their negative, irrational thoughts (Clark, 2013). 

Characteristics of Negative Thoughts

  • Automatic: Pops into your head without any effort. 
  • Distorted: Stems from perception.
  • Obstructive: Stops you from getting what you want in life. 

Categories of Negative Thoughts:

  • Assuming 
  • Overgeneralizing
  • Should’s
  • Labeling
  • It’s all or nothing!
  • Believing what you feel 

How to curb the Negative thoughts?

Decide – To feel good, no secondary gains 

Self talk – Change what you say to yourself  

Ways to cut down Negative thoughts:

First you have to perceive it. Listen to your inner voice (self-talk). If it’s negative, recognize it. Acknowledge it. Turn it around.

  • Replace the negative voice with a positive one. Instead of “that jerk cut in front of me, what an idiot!” replace it with: “He must really be in a hurry, maybe there is some personal emergency, I’m glad I saw him and my reflexes are good.” 
  • Remove non-positive words or phrases from your vocabulary, such as “I can’t,” or “I hate,” or “I’m pissed off.” Remember the old saying, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” 
  • Reward yourself! When you do something positive, reflect on the positive ways it made a difference. Give yourself permission to feel good about your actions. 
  • Have someone to talk to who can uplift your spirit and inspire you. Choose your company wisely. Yes, a support structure is very important. 

How to Restructure Your Negative or Unhelpful Thoughts?

  • Mindfulness/Self-awareness: Identify your faulty thinking by increasing your awareness of your own thoughts, particularly negative. Take a record of your own thoughts using CBT exercises
  • The situation- “I am annoyed at myself for forgetting to run an errand.”
  • My feelings – what this made you feel at first 
  • Unhelpful thoughts – for example, “ain’t anything right. I’m useless and cannot be trusted with simple tasks.” 
  • Evidence to support my unhelpful thoughts – for example: “It’s not the first time I’ve forgotten something like this.” 
  • Evidence to support my unhelpful thoughts – for example, “I remembered everything else I needed to do. I’m usually very reliable when it comes to errands and don’t put anything off.” 
  • Alternative, more realistic, or neutral thought – for example: “I remember to do far more errands than I forget. It’s happened before but not often- it’s just that the forgotten ones stick in my memory. Most of the time I am a trustworthy and reliable person.” 
  • How I feel now – how your feelings have changed after completing your thought record. For example, “Calmer, more confident in myself – am neither stupid nor useless.”

Benefits of Reframing Cognitive Negative Thoughts:

APA suggests that cognitive reframing helps with 

  • Substance use disorder 
  • Marital problems 
  • Eating Disorders 

It is also said that it can navigate divorce problems and grief involved with relationship problems. It also helps to face the real world with confidence

“All cognitive distortions are negative thoughts, but but not all negative thoughts are necessarily cognitive distortions..” 

Cognitive distortions are faulty or biased ways of thinking about ourselves and/or our environment (Beck, 1976). They are beliefs and thought patterns that are irrational, false, or inaccurate, and they have the potential to cause serious damage to our sense of self, confidence, and our ability to succeed. 

Read More: Cognitive Distortions 101: The Hidden Link Between Cognitive Distortions, Anxiety, and Depression

When our thoughts are distorted, our emotions are, too. By becoming aware and redirecting,, minimizing,, or avoiding these irrational thought patterns, clients can maintain a more balanced perspective, lower anxiety, and feel better about themselves. Magical thinking: The belief that thoughts, actions, or emotions influence unrelated situations. “If I hadn’t hoped something bad would happen to him, he wouldn’t have gotten into an accident.” 

10 Cognitive Distortion Phrases:

  • Magnification and Minimization: Exaggerating or minimizing the importance of events. You might believe your own achievements are unimportant or that your mistakes are excessively important.. 
  • Catastrophizing: Seeing only the worst possible outcomes of a situation
  • Overgeneralization: Making broad interpretations from a single or few events. “I felt awkward during my job interview. I am always so awkward. 
  • Personalization: The belief that you are responsible for events outside of your control. “My mom is always upset. She would be fine if I did more to help her.” 
  • Mind reading: Interpreting the thoughts and beliefs of others without adequate evidence. “She wouldn’t go on a date with me. She probably thinks I’m ugly.”
  • Jumping to Conclusions: Interpreting the meaning of a situation with little or no evidence
  • Fortune Telling: The expectation that a situation will turn out badly without adequate evidence. 
  • Emotional Reasoning: The assumption that emotions reflect the way things really are. “I feel like a bad friend; therefore,, I must be a bad friend. 
  • Disqualifying the Positive: Recognizing only the negative aspects of a situation while ignoring the positive. You might receive many compliments on an evaluation, but focus on the single piece of negative feedback. 
  • “Should” Statements: The belief that things should be a certain way. “I should always be perfect.” 
  • All-or-nothing thinking: Thinking in absolutes such as “always,” “never,” or “every.” “I never do a good enough job on anything.” 


“You must build walls to face negative thoughts,,” so start. To build your army to face negative feelings, choose your soldiers wisely. The best example of how a how a positive outlook can change a negative cause is the evidence-based search: ‘‘A 2017 study on practitioners who treated individuals with substance use disorder found that cognitive reframing helped them experience less burnout and greater treatment results.”

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