The analysis of the connection between suicidal conduct in online spaces and internet material is the focus of the study. It aims to understand the dynamics and consequences of virtual interactions for this specific group of people. By analyzing the digital environment, the research hopes to provide light on potential ways that internet information may affect individuals who are experiencing suicide thoughts. There hasn’t been much research to better understand the phenomenon of suicidality because of how sensitive this topic is to ethical considerations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship is between suicidality and suicide memes among Filipino internet users. The study’s significance arises from its analysis of the intricate relationship between online material and suicidal conduct among users of digital places. Understanding how digital interactions affect this demographic is crucial to o the the health of online communities.
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In this study, the researchers employed a convergent mixed method that addressed the relationship between suicidality and suicide memes using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), a suicide evaluation questionnaire, was utilized in the study’s quantitative section. For the study’s qualitative section, the researchers provided three questions about the respondents’ attitudes concerning suicide memes. After individual analysis, the data from the two devices were combined to create a single integrated result.
Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic’s restrictions on in-person interactions, the researchers collected data using an online form and shared it across a number of social media platforms between September 2020 and March 2021. The researchers. obtained institutional ethical clearance. The majority of responders are female (66.09%), between the ages of 19 and 20 (60.87%), and college-educated (73.91%). The respondents diverse demographic characteristics resulted from the unrestricted methods used to collect the data.
The study’s sample size of 230 respondents was selected to ensure that there would be adequate statistical power to identify significant relationships, that the resources available for data collection and analysis are balanced, and that a thorough understanding of the research topic within reasonable constraints is guaranteed.
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Respondents’ opinions about suicide memes were assessed using a categorical response format with the following options: “It is Fun” “Triggered,” “Offended,” and “Nothing” This method is in line with the study’s goal of comprehending how individuals perceive and respond to suicide memes and captures a range of perspectives. This categorical measurement not only facilitates data collection but also allows for a more thorough analysis of attitudes within the sample. On the other hand, the researcher summarized the replies for the C-SSRS’s qualitative section using theme analysis. The respondents’ opinions regarding suicide memes were also investigated using thematic analysis. Lastly, the researcher combined the data from the two measures to examine respondents’ opinions toward suicide memes in the C-SSRS.
The majority of responders, according to the results, thought suicide memes were either funny or unimportant. More respondents said they were suicidal (lifelong, within a month) and thought it was funny to make suicide memes: Desired to be Dead (37.80%, 37.00%), Considering a Detailed Method of Ending One’s Own Life (33.90%, 39.60%), Wishing to Kill Oneself (32.60%, 22.90%), and Planning to Take One’s Own Life (28.30%, 7.40%). The majority of respondents who said they had not engaged in suicidal conduct found suicide memes amusing, and their opinions did not significantly differ from one another.
The researchers noticed that users of social media have varying opinions about suicide memes on these platforms. Therefore, the researchers made the assumption that those who consistently criticize suicide memes are either devoid of personal experience with suicidality or have only sometimes interacted with suicidal people in their lives. In our society, there are still some misconceptions about suicide. In addition to suicide memes, songs with suicide themes were viewed as triggering by listeners. Nevertheless, an experiment shown that while this kind of music primes implicit suicidal cognitions, It has no influence on factors like effect, attitudes, or perceptions that are linked to an elevated risk of suicide.
The researchers think that a person’s suicidality doesn’t change based on how much they are exposed to suicide memes. Therefore, the researcher comes to the conclusion. that suicide memes are a creative way to deal with the problem of suicidality rather than something that should be viewed as triggering and insulting. We cannot, however, ignore how sensitive the subject is or how mockingly these suicide memes portray some circumstances. Therefore, in order to make better use of this awareness-raising effort, the researchers advise additional investigation into the appropriateness of suicide meme delivery.
Take Away
The study explores the complex relationship between suicidality and suicide memes among Filipino internet users, revealing that many respondents perceive such memes as either humorous or insignificant. While some individuals with suicidal tendencies found them amusing, the research suggests that exposure to suicide memes does not necessarily influence suicidality. However, given the sensitive nature of the topic, the study highlights the need for further investigation into the ethical implications and appropriateness of suicide meme content. Future research should focus on ensuring that online discourse around suicide remains responsible, fostering awareness while minimizing potential harm.