Search Results for : mental health disorders

Depression and Bipolar Disorder can now be detected by a blood test?

In 2017, one in every seven Indians suffered from a mental condition of different severity. Since 1990, the proportionate contribution of mental diseases to the total disease burden in India has nearly doubled. There are significant differences across states in


Why Generation Gap conflict Does Neighborhood Influence Epilepsy Being A Man Too Groove Your Way to Charisma: The power to Imposter Syndrome and Student-Athlete The Psychology of Sleep: E-Health: Use of Technology Sensitive Behavior and its Mental Health Benefits of


Limiting the gaming addiction among Children

The Covid-19 pandemic pushed everyone’s lifestyle to go virtual. Every individual struggled in their ways to maintain socialization, work, and keep their mind at peace. However, it took a huge toll on children and adolescents as for them their entire


Life with Autism

Imagine a day in life when everything seems so hazy, meeting people becomesso weird that when they joke around you, and there are you, unable to make it out what itmeans and everything becomes so slow and dumb. Unfortunately, it



Discrimination is a key cause of friction and disruption in cooperative partnerships that are increasingly essential in creating and sustaining sustainable development across cultural and national boundaries. As our society becomes more international, we witness more intense connections through commerce


Music And Depression

Depression and suicide are important issues in the twenty-first century. According to the World Health Organization, over 800,000 individuals die by suicide each year, with the 15-29 age group being disproportionately impacted. Surprisingly, music appears to play the most essential

Awareness Education

Is Depression Seasonal?

It’s monsoon, the thunders, and Mumbai rains wake you up, the cold breeze leaves you no choice but to make your self a cup of hot Masala Chai! You curl up in the warm blankets and not do anything at

Awareness Education Health Therapy

A profound understanding of what is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?

In a world where mental health problems are on a continuous rise, the ideal suggestion for one can be self-love. But how do you know that self-love is turning out to be an obsession, and is creating problems for others,

Awareness Education

Adjustment Disorder

Life is a stage on which every individual is expected to adjust and adapt to the role given to them. Life is like a cyclone which when comes, throws challenges at the face of a human which he has to

Awareness Education

Homophobia during lockdown

COVID-19 has made our stay at home. Staying home is somewhat manageable to some but for some groups of people, it is like staying inside a cage. Some are dealing with corona fear, whereas homosexuals are dealing with the fear