Search Results for : Sleep
Education Health

Performance Anxiety in Students

“I don’t know what’s happening. My stomach hurts badly. I can’t breathe, I can’t stand. I am feeling very hot. Neither I want to do anything, nor go anywhere.” “My hands are shaking, I can’t write anything, I don’t remember

Health Self Help

6 tell-tale signs to seek as a psychologist’s advice

In today’s modern and fast-paced society, every one of us experiences stress and conflict. Balancing unrealistic work demands personal demands can be quite challenging. Experiencing high levels of stress on a daily basis can negatively affect our mental and physical


What children feel when witnessing domestic violence?

Witnessing domestic violence can have a tremendous negative impact on the emotional well-being of children. Domestic violence causes immense psychological and emotional trauma in children. It creates a hostile environment that is unpredictable and is full of fear and anxiety.


The art of Self – Reflection

The art of Self – Reflection Self-reflection can simply be understood as a mirror image of oneself. This image is not what is perceived by others but rather perceived by our own selves. It is simply a moment where we