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Awareness Entertain Self Help

The Melancholy of Social Media

You open your phone, you choose the poison of your choice and you like, update, share, subscribe, scroll into this deep abyss of extremes where your every feeling was been worded by a broken hearted writer, every side of your

Awareness Health


Mobile phones and depression have a great connect. Many people are unable to understand the co-relation between the two but if you observe, you will realize how dangerous an impact the over usage of mobile phones can cause to your


Food for good mental health

The human mind is perhaps one of the most complex organ of the entire body. It is also a fact human minds gets easily affected by virtually anything around us. Our diet, sleep, environment and physical activities are some of


Perfect Relationship – is a Myth

“Relationship counseling” is such a trending topic these days. It suggests that people are getting aware or may be more sensitive about their mental health in the relationship; they seek advice from professionals to save the relationship or would try


The Third Largest Mental Health Care Problem: Social Anxiety

Are you very self-conscious in every day social situations? Are very afraid of being embarrassed in front of other people? Are you extremely afraid of being judged by others? Do you avoid meeting new people? Find it scary and difficult

Awareness Crime

Crime Against Women: If You Want Humanity To Rise, Let Her Fly!

“Violence against women is an appalling Human Right Violation. But it is not inevitable. We can put a stop to this”.                                      


Social Media Addiction: The silent epidemic conquering the world

The common scene everyone witnesses while they are in a public place, travelling, at social gatherings and even in closed door meetings everyone around us is glued to their mobile smart phones. You can witness this everywhere, even in your


Secrets of Addiction

In August 2014 I conducted a seminar on Alcohol and Drug Addiction in Govt. Sec. School in Punjab. It was a good seminar because the students of the school actively participated in the seminar. In a seminar, one of the

Education Health

Performance Anxiety in Students

“I don’t know what’s happening. My stomach hurts badly. I can’t breathe, I can’t stand. I am feeling very hot. Neither I want to do anything, nor go anywhere.” “My hands are shaking, I can’t write anything, I don’t remember

Health Self Help

6 tell-tale signs to seek as a psychologist’s advice

In today’s modern and fast-paced society, every one of us experiences stress and conflict. Balancing unrealistic work demands personal demands can be quite challenging. Experiencing high levels of stress on a daily basis can negatively affect our mental and physical