Search Results for : mental health disorders

Are you being rude or is it ADHD?

Have anyone ever complained to you that you interrupt and intrude on other people too often or that you don’t pay attention to what they are saying? Or that you talk excessively and seem to have difficulty waiting for your


A Defeatable Devil: Geriatric Depression

Old age is often portrayed as a time of rest. Reflections and opportunities to do things that were put off while raising families and pursuing careers. Even so unfortunately people often isolate themselves at this age. Isolation reinforces the sense

Self Help

Transcending the Trauma: Post-traumatic Stress to Post traumatic Growth

“An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal.” –Victor Frankl Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition which emerges following the exposure of a traumatic event, which may be actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence.


The Mind of the Victims of Sextortion

Have you ever got a text containing sexual content from someone you do not know? Have you ever engaged in sexual conversations with strangers online? Although it is not so that every stranger online is someone you need to avoid,

Health News Positive

Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Psychiatric Nurses: 22nd Edition

The 22nd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Psychiatric Nurses (ISPN) is a three-day occasion being held at the Institute of Nursing Education (INE), Directorate of Health Services, Government of Goa, in Bambolim (Goa) from 24th to 26th February

Awareness Health

Have you Ever Experienced Anxiety in Random Situations

Does it ever feel that you are out of breath or are sweating too much not because of physical activity but because of the multitude of thoughts running in your head? Do you feel that there is too much stress

Awareness Health

Understanding the complete concept of Procrastination

In everyday lives, we often tend to push our work or don’t do the work until there is a deadline. On our heads like a clock or we just simply tend to push work for some other work. We voluntarily


Human papillomavirus (HPV): A Holistic Approach

Human papillomavirus (HPV) consists of double strands of DNA and is either transmitted sexually or through the use of fomites such as HPV-infected instruments that are not properly sanitized, used in manicures, pedicures, etc. Also, there is a strong correlation


Childhood Trauma – High Time to Rewire Your Brain!

Have you ever thought about the kind of person you are right now. Unpredictable events that occurred when you were a child may have had an effect on you. Being the victim in situations such as bullying, physical assault or even parental incarceration can lead to problems related to mental health which may affect your


All you need to know about mindfulness

Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentallyDr: jon kabat-zinn What does Mindfulness training do?With mindfulness training, the individual accepts this universal reality that events will happen and leading to positive and