Search Results for : anger

How to prevent a relationship from getting Toxic

Humans are social beings by nature and therefore “relationships” for them become pertinent. It is not only essential to make a relationship but it is vital to keep them smooth and sustaining. Relationships can give the utmost happiness and it

Self Help

Is it wrong to be an emotional person and a decision maker simultaneously?

Most of you may get this advice often “don’t be emotional while making your decision!” You have heard a lot of this line, and might have attempted to block all your floating emotions in crucial decision making .You may have


PTSD in Afghanistan

In west, only war veterans are believed to be victims of PTSD, but in Afghanistan it is totally a different scenario resulting from 40 years of war. Unfortunately it starts with child abuse, teenage marriages, laboring in early ages, bombing

Self Help

Where have you laid your happiness line?

Walking top ‘f wet grass on footGazing at those glitters on sky,Thinking ’bout my next dine to root Dancing, singing my heart so high. Wandering inside riddled barksScreaming and Scaring that stout rat,Sleeping on mud clothed rocksNo riches, to drink


Children of Divorce

Divorce, the dissolution of marriage, is an event characterized by disappointment and the shattering of dreams and expectations of a couple. A significant change in their lives, a divorce involves emotional, legal, financial and parental aspects that require a shift


Postpartum Depression: Blissful Motherhood to Nightmare

Becoming a mother is a dream of almost every woman, this good news brings happiness in their lives but motherhood is not blissful for every new born mother. As sometimes, it comes along with many unwanted difficulties. Postpartum depression (PPD)


Crying: A female thing

When we think of crying, we often have a very vivid image and associated feelings in our mind. It feels as if the world just stopped; everything gets dreary, blurry and looped up in shades of grey; our nose joins


Mindful Parenting

Mindfulness is the quality of being aware of what is happening in the present moment. That sounds simple, but for most parents life is no less than a roller coaster ride- always running and worrying about what to do next,

Self Help

Being negative is the new positive

“I wished to cry but could not….I wanted to yell but I could not…Because all I allowed myself was to smile…”–-Pratibha Singh You open your Facebook and get bombarded with positive quotes and electrifying messages. You check your WhatsApp messages


Autism Spectrum Disorder

AUTISM is neither a puzzle nor a disease. Autism is a challenge but certainly not a devastating one. Autistic children may not fit into your box of thoughts but they can help you realize that there is ‘NO BOX’. It