Search Results for : mental health disorders

Taking Antidepressants During Pregnancy: Good or Not?   

For many people who have been using antidepressants to deal with mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, pregnancy can be a scary situation. Especially since the impact of medications on pregnancy is often undermined and not talked about

Self Help

Are You Emotionally Weak?

Emotional weaknesses, vary from individual to individual, can be defined as different phases of our emotional well-being or patterns of behaviour that can affect our personal growth, relationships, development, and overall happiness. The psychology behind emotional weaknesses! The concept of

Awareness Health

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A private war?

Cases of PTSD were first described thousands of years ago. Clearly documented during the First World War when soldiers developed shell shock or combat fatigue as a result of the harrowing conditions in the trenches. But the condition wasn’t officially


What happens to the human brain as we get older?

Our brain is perhaps, the best superhero we could ask for. Everything that we do either consciously during the day or unconsciously when we sleep at night, our brain is responsible for it. So if our brain is responsible for


Happiness Coach: Teach yourself to be happy  

In the late 1990s, a new approach to studying how human beings behave emerged as Positive Psychology. Positive psychology pays more attention to positives aspects of human beings’ behavior, such as happiness, hope, well-being, etc. rather than the negative aspects


Benefits of Short-term therapy for parents and child: Study

Therapies play a major role in the treatment of many neurological and psychiatric disorders and improve the mental health of individuals. American Psychological Association conducted a pilot study. The study discovered that giving short-term therapies helped parents and their children

Self Help

When you can’t explain your pain

WHAT IS SOMATIC SYMPTOM DISORDER? Somatic symptom disorder patients usually have physically uncomfortable symptoms that are extremely upsetting. It is a disease of the mind. Individuals with Somatic Symptoms Disorder may report symptoms that may have no medical explanation or


Beat the Heat: Understanding the Heat Stress

Isn’t it hot today!! These are the statement we hear often these days. As the summers have already started the temperature of all the areas is increasing. Ministry of health and Family affair have even given guideline to protect yourself


LGBTQ+ Community, issues and prejudices faced by them

We can see that the LGBTQ+ community i.e., lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, asexual, etc., faces many problems living in society which in turn affects the mental health of the individual. The LGBTQ community initially made its problems known in


Do you end up confusing people pleasing with kindness?

An individual with a “people-pleasing” behaviour disposition has a great desire to win over others, even at their own price. They might think that their opinions don’t matter or their needs and goals will change how they act around others.  “People