Search Results for : Disorders
Awareness Education

The Origin of Psychological Testing- A Brief History

Any technique used to elicit reactions that human behavior in other situations may be related to is referred to as an “assessment.” Psychological assessment, also known as psychometrics, is the systematic application of tests to characterize psychophysical traits, skills, and

Self Help

Are you associated with yourself?

Introduction Dissociative Disorders are the serious disturbances appear to embrace histrionic, accidental, and automatic effects to traumatic circumstances. These disturbances involve an upset in individual’s retention, alertness or character. There can be two separate channels of awareness appearing at specific


5 Unusual and Serious Psychological Conditions That You Might Have Not Heard Of

We, humans, are the smartest species on earth and this is evident in our mental, physical, and technological development. We eat the food, live in the place, and if needed, put other animals at our service as we like. But

News Social

The Rising Mental Health Crisis Among the Women of Jammu and Kashmir

TeleManas center, which is a mental health helpline launched by the central government to help people with mental health issues, has revealed after evaluating several patients that women of Jammu and Kashmir are much more like to suffer from mental

Awareness Social

The Dirty Dozen- Understanding the Dark Triad Personalities

The Dirty Dozen- Understanding the Dark Triad Personalities Do you sometimes question the behaviour of some people as to how and why they are the way they are? Well, today I want to speak about the ‘Dark triad’ theory first

Parenting Social

Academic Pressure and Its Effect on The Mental Health of Students

Are you a pupil? What has your academic life been like so far? Do you feel burdened by academic pressure? There are a million students across the world who undergo extreme levels of stress because of academic pressure. There have been


World Sleep Day: A Good Night Sleep Can Do Wonders

How do you feel after a good night’s sleep? Probably better prepared for the day, more productive, energetic, and satisfied. Isn’t this feeling sufficient to prioritise sleep for overall well-being? Sleep, one of the most compromised aspects of well-being, calls for

Awareness Social

Do You Feel Like an Outsider?

Have you ever felt like an outsider? have you ever succeeded at something but felt that it was because of others and not you? Do you feel like you are constantly putting on an act and that you are fake?


Nature’s Approach in Healing the Mind: An Indian Perspective

A knowledge of history becomes important in learning about how concepts about mental health are seated deep in our roots itself. Mental health in India is a very ancient ideology, as seen in many old scriptures from the Upanishads to


The Link Between Biology and Mental Illness

Has anyone told you that you probably hurt yourself physically because you have low willpower? Have you ever been told to get over it when you complained about a certain illness that was more mentally inclined than physically? Often it