Search Results for : mental health disorders

How to Overcome Your Inner Struggle?

As Humans almost everyone must have experienced negative thoughts or inner voices within themselves. Sometimes these negative thoughts becomes so powerful that they start affecting a person’s daily life performance and behaviour. One can hear positive and negative thoughts or


The Psychology Behind Humor

The saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Furthermore, humor is a fantastic way to laugh. Everyone enjoys humor and finding the lighter side of things. Humor is a kind of communication in which the stimulus results in amusement. Humor

Social Therapy

Group Therapy: Aim, Benefits and Types

Have you ever heard about a group therapy session? We would all be a bit sceptical if we are suggested to attend therapy in a group because, for each one of us therapy is that space exclusive for us to


Family Therapy: Objectives, Techniques and Effectiveness

The word ‘family’ defines a group of individuals united by blood, or by marital, adoptive or other intimate ties (APA). As Winston Churchill stated, “ There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all


Essential Support for Those Living with Bipolar Disorder

About 2.4% of people worldwide have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder at some point in their lifetime. This is a disorder in which the individual goes through drastic mood changes. Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition that causes mood

Life Style

The Psychology Behind Celebrity Obsession

People have a number of talents when they show their talent on a platform, they earn fans and fandom. When someone reaches celebrity status. It is so natural to admire their accomplishments. Liking a celebrity for their talent is one

Life Style

4 Productivity Myths to Stop Believing in

Don’t fall for these Productivity myths: Get more done now! American Psychological Association defines productivity as the relationship between the quantity or quality of output (goods or services created or provided) and the input (time, materials etc.) required to create


Depression: Symptoms, Causes, Types and Treatment

Everyone has a basic understanding of the term depression. Sentences like “I had such a bad day today, I feel depressed” or “That movie is so sad, it makes me depressed” are very common to come by. But, it is


Co-Dependency in Romantic Relationships

Interpersonal romantic relationships are usually perceived to be positive, enabling bonds that provide support and affection to the person to strive for better. Within such relationships, there is a predominant nurturer and a predominant nurturant, despite the two of them


Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes and Intervention

Do you sometimes experience a sense of dread before a test or exam? Do you feel your heart race and your hands get clammy before an important interview or before you have to speak publicly? This looming sense of dread