Search Results for : romantic relationships
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Anxiety Disorders and Other Mental Issues Resulting from Academic Pressure.

Academic pressure on adolescents has reached acute levels. The stress of admission into the desired college, getting good grades, and landing the best internships and placements, has taken a big toll on adolescents mental health. Academic success often comes at

Health Relationship

What Is an Emotional Draining Relationship and How to Deal with It?

As no relationship is a cakewalk, romantic relationships witness several highs and lows with time. Differed opinions between partners give rise to conflicts and sometimes lead to sourness in the relationship. Physical, emotional, and mental abuse are red flags in


Mental Health Issues during Pandemic

The novel coronavirus is a highly infectious disease that started spreading from the month of February 2020 in India and since then has impacted the whole nation adversely. The government had to take strict measures of a nationwide lockdown in


What are the fundamentals of a successful relationship?

It is rightly said that romantic relationships are the spice of life. When we fall in love, we experience the world like we haven’t before – always enthusiastic, with rose coloured glasses. However, it is after this initial phase wears

Awareness Relationship


Parents are considered to be the first interaction that an infant has in his life and considering that they are also initial caregivers to the child, the child will look up to his/her parents and will try to imitate their

Relationship Self Help

Can Breakup’s Be An Important For Personal Growth?

Almost everyone goes through the process of losing someone significant to them at least once in their lives, whether romantically or otherwise, and it is never an easy process. The void that follows losing someone close to you is something

Awareness Self Help

Why Is It Important To Develop Self – Compassion?

We spend our entire lives with one person. The journey with this person is guaranteed till the end, in sickness and in health, through every roadblock and success. Wouldn’t we want to make this relationship a thriving one, considering it

Relationship Self Help

How Does Your Attachment Style Affect Your Relationship?

Attachment is a deep emotional bond that connects two people. John Bowlby, the father of the attachment theory, said that attachment aids in survival because making strong emotional bonds is an important part of human nature. Human beings form their


Online dating and its Psychological Implications

Internet in today’s world is serving a lot of functions and the most striking being nurturing relationships.  Therefore, we can see that this transition in the way relationships have been shaped over time does impact the human psyche. Individuals’ now


Fit in

There is a girl who is out for searching job, as we all know most of the youth is unemployed or or they are searching for jobs. Her parents are supporting her financially as well as emotionally for the same